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Chapter 7 AZURA: Chapter 6

Word Count: 1146    |    Released on: 26/07/2022


smiled again b

elle, I'm your au

the good aunt Lily told me

king at the lady wi

my fingers in her fa

hutting her Mo

..you are really pretty ma'am. You


...my aun

ry pretty too. I love your fig

he door wider for her to come

ow is it possible? I never believed it. But look at you Melody... You are alive. You are alive after 18

didn't say a word. I gestured to my reading

ible? What exac

, also sitting down on my bed. "I just woke up this morning and sa

tions can be answered later. Your brothers were s

caught myself s

e th

spell on them so they could stay back

that was very fast. And how di

teleport" Rachel chipped in an

ething li

something like "all this magic will make my

es till a new magical being is born for it to bond with. Lily is a very very unique one. The last person she bonded with, died five th

ed with my mag

t now?" Rachel asked and I h

ce witchcraft. It was a talent from my Nana. That was how


t lucky?" Rache

nd Rosella, what next?" That

's why I'm here in the first place.


" I asked "surely you can give me a few da

ind you too. You are a very rare being little Azura, and you have lots of enemies. J could sense the

..but how am I supposed to suddenly le

do I know that you are not an enemy and you ar

and a cell phone appeared out of nowhere.

ed a number and wa

here......yes yes yes, she's reall

ting me...maybe you can talk to her yourself?"


y heart plummeted into my

e my ear and didn'

y hands started shaking. I was going to lose it all

He said again while

other. That was my brother that I don't even know. The brother that

baby, and how overjoyed we are right now. I can't wait to see you ..to see how much you have grown. We all can't wait. Please

hear in his voice br

m that I would really love a hug, tell him how much I wish that we grew up together, to have them de

cry because of all the

om...and in the middle of something so I can't talk for long. We will se

ars...not just to your picture. I love

on the floor, shaking uncontrollab

wait to get home.

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