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DEVI - I {Fall of the Hunters}

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 3426    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

gdom of

e of Sola

shook under the growls of air. The shivering fire still cast a warm glow in the area as it fought to stand intact. Due to the heavy flow of invisible gust, few of the burning coals were t

in, she has taken him by surprise by appearing in his study out of nowhere at early hours of the morning. 3’o clock to be precise. Her unusual nightmares didn’t let h

ing him due to sitting for countless hours in the same position. He was checking the security details propo

daughter and kissed

you anymore.” He said in a soothing tone and she instantly

ying.” She whispered and he smiled. For a small

ith. They are just dreams, a fragment of our subconscious. Th

ack.” She pouted and complained

next second and destroy them. Alright?” she nodded taking his words and adjusted her

sked innocently and King Raghav wore a blank face. He now realized how much Deviwas attached to that Lycan prince. Now, he didn’t regret his de

ack of her ha

studies. He can’t travel long distance as it will put a lag in his education. Do you want your Ocean to sta

ther. He has to work hard like me.” She mumbles r

ack for a few more minutes and when registered the famili

Like air, a young boy decreased the distance between himself and the sleeping princess. He breathed heavily and expanded his lungs as much as possible to fill them with her hypnotizing scent. The moment her al


hearing her content breaths. She was heavily asleep. Tears blurred his vision as


ere too young

silent sobs as his skin stretched and ached where his father has hit him with the leash. His entire sk

o stay back and not to see Devi, Prince Edward l

f Hunters wasn’t an option. He wouldn’t think twice before marching to Lycanthrope and have Edward’s head to

d escaped the Castle of Lunar Dynasty and ran to

Edward never vowed to not see her. He will relieve his rest

ally to match her beats

ntly retreated back shocked by the images his mind hungrily supplied to him. A greedy grunt escaped him and he threw himself against a wall plastering his back to it. Soon his breathes turned uneven and forest green eyes sparkled in a golden hue.

wed by another as his face co

window and jumped out shattering the glass panel. Falling o


for 4 more years. He wasn’t supposed to s

hrown by his father. No, it was stubborn and too proud to step out over the

efying the command of the Alpha King over a princess, still, the beast didn’t emerge. He was humiliated as his father urinated over him to make him learn how he lies beneath the alpha, still, the beas

matter so

strous form. An agonizing cry fill with pain escaped

t on the deadliest creature ever for the first time. The silver light that matched the eyes of Devi when fel

grown up to claim his throne but it

steal his prince

ed to o

n, the prince in him discovered


o let its glow shine on the surface of a clean landmass. As if the roar has woken the calm of nature, a heavy gust of air swept past the ope

ing and prepare themselves for a flight because a new predator has born tonight. The ones that were scared scurries back in the safety of their nests before hiding th

panic and mind scre

edator i

d. An intruder was gambling close to the borders. Their instinct forced them to fet

vy doors open only to find her snuggled under the warmth of soft covers. His wildly racing heart falls to a normal rhythm once he confirms the safety of his daughter. The relief lasted for a moment until his eyes land

feet. A couple of muddy footprints were plastered on them, giving away the evidence of someone being here

aded his territory to see his da


low voice, he turns t

nstructed the Queen before lifting his sleeping daughter and hands her to his mother. Lord knows w

s worries under the mask of stoic expression. She hugs

bones for almost a long hour. The matter of a few minutes resembled hours when he shifted for the first time. The lo

ight burned his extremely sharp senses. He whimpered for a mome

both biotic and abiotic overwhelm his entire being, he felt nauseous and in the next second hurls all the bile jumping uncomfortably in his gut. The stench of vomit jabbed him like a million darts and he buckled to cover his nose only to discover a long snout. A grunt of shock es

sed lycan jump. He glared at the endless sky before howling at the silver ball who has blessed him with

. Their King sensed it too as he wore the armor and joined his commanders before jumping out in the fields and rode straight towards the borders along with a dozen hunters. Bhanu, Sofia’s father, and Raghav’s brother-in

hat beast boy a chance but now all those plans were discarded in a dark pit. He will never give his daughter’s hand to a predator. The single

called friend who is going to lose control on every full moon night. He won’t allow her to look at the ugly creature that tends to crush her fragi

orses collided against the chilly air of the night. Their limbs protested to go any further sensing the danger vibes emitting from the borders. The frightening neighs made the knights to stroke their necks and assure them gently. Raghav jumps down from his t

nd careful to not make a noise. The cold sheen of sweat lingered on their flesh like a second layer in the frost. One of them even patted his wildly beating heart to calm the satin traitor as it could lead them all

belly. The beast was hungry. Though the Hunters weren’t gifted with night vision, they had great senses to cut through the dark and attack the enemy. One of the hunters twitched his nose in irritation when heard constant buzz of a mosquito flying around his ears and face before it settles on his neck and pricks the skin to drink the blood. The damned hunter loses his patie

e lets out a boisterous roar and lunges forward. The thud of heavy paws hitting the ground drains the colors of hunters' faces. The waiting horses scream out in fear as they stumble back and rides bac

ced spirit warrior. His mind was set and guided by the rumble of his empty belly. Thick saliva drippe

he first man, King Raghav. His large paw flew in the air with elongated claws, ready to swipe against King’s face but Raghav blocks them with his sword. Fiery sparks erupted from the collision and this sent a wave of fury through the beast. Another hunter jumps from the treetop and settles himself on the neck of the beast. His legs close around his beas

of Hu

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