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Falling for Mr Billionaire 1

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1328    |    Released on: 31/08/2022


you came rushing here when I told them I'll fire

kly." Felicity said in a sheepish voice. Why the hell is

g at me the whole time Fia." Benj

top threatening people to get to

vorite human being." He replied with a smirk on his face. Wow, he really was that. But his no more. If someone asked me this quest

it's you?" I ask

e fuck does he know about Elijah I

I hope he didn't

n the world. Your reaction changed. But who the fuck is he?" He took a dangerous step t

n. Before I could tell him anything Marko wa

ay boss?" Marko a

k to work." Benjamin replied

asked Benjamin, pis

" He said that taking another step. I saw Marko dro

in looking at me, shocked. I can't believe I screwe

used my second name and Benjamin knows I don't t

ill looking at me shocked. I don't know how he does it, b

pissing Benjamin because he already kn

t your tongue?" I sai

d folding his arms and looking at me dangerously. But I'm not scared of him. I know he wouldn't hit me or kill me. A

d me ruining my day. And I wasn't the one that called him yesterday. His

Benjamin, the guy I once called my husband. The man I love thinks like this about me. I can't believe he still thinks I cheated on him. With that rubbish, he call

d on you. Go to hell." I opened my purse and too

se years. Why didn't you use it ?

ou think I would want to use someone's money wh

t of money Sofia." H

are. I don

't you?" He said taking my han

that was before you accus

new life and I kinda needed money. But after our engagement, I fell in love with him. He was always rude to me, but he never abused me or called me any

t was a deal I made a promise, so keep it." H

eal. You can give this money to those women you used to br

re Mark or Marko. Whatever his name i

How can I convince him t

tongue." He

ing your way don't you?"

nd you alone. On one condition." I was so shocked b

hurry. I just hope it

I asked and I'm giving you a week to thi

u so Ruthless, mean, heartless and hell I hate you so much. I don't care if you dangerous,

g cheater." He replied as he turned around and before he left he added. "Tick tock tic

lijah. I'll just tell him, it's the least I could do after all Anna and Marko sacrifice a

the past but somehow it will always catch up with you. A Queen once told m


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