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When Storms Collide

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2816    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

find each other b

e in a small w

a small metal door which on

anic An

ot p

silent mantr

out a way to g


eyes taking in the men who filed in. There were fou

ed was that he looked a

how unrealistically beautiful h




about him w

eone so beaut

myself t

ty, it can deceive you. I reali


k eyes w



ike velvet, almost innocent but his

im taking care of some business." One

walked towards me slowly. His eyes s

ay which made me want to throw up, they finally came to settle on my chest. "Too ski


k and I brought it

of the sla

nd th

dened in r


ge. His hand we

he yanked my head back painfully. His other hand w

et that, bitch

clawing at

all, the collision knocke

an the most hate-filled glare I could muster. His pitch black eyes narro

our mess afterwards. I don't want her to be my problem." With that bein

nd him. Leaving me alone

d shut, it could only be opened from the outside

outnumbered me and they were strong.

I would go down wit

nto place, my hands

e them because they

his is going to be fun, boys).





ing wildly, the adrenaline

n. I hit him square in his stomach, taking him completely off

baby, the more you fight the better it will be f


el my hear

ed it forward making me lose my balance. I crashed to the floor once again. Before I could even catch m

xpecting a little more fight from you." He mock

ne of his hands pinned my wrists the other started trailing down m

he door sl

on over here?" A thick m

g me down suddenly fro

rdered. The pure authority

the man w

ing myself to move. My whole

new voice growled, there was no missin

me down, Leon, stuttered. "Lucian gave her t

eyes widened in shock when my I saw Leon

ard the pure menace in the man's voice. I still couldn't bring myself to look at him. "N

e men left, without a s

rd a

as still lying

because they weren't the expensive looking shiny black ones every other man I'd come across here h

s t

oot talle

over his broad chest. My eyes followed up hi

ost g

were harsh, a


ful like the man

ibed as beautiful. Everything abo

n he looked at me, a whole storm brew

ntly high cheekbones. I noticed the scar on the right side of his face, it ran from his eyebrow to his

I realized that he probably would have been con

is voice was softer

but I scooted away from him.

p on my feet,

u." He said in the same soft voice, as if he were tal

ly when I didn't res

rience that showing fear only made things worse so even though I was sc

ng more pronounced. He knew exactly the kind

y ba

f you want, I won't min

apped over

d that

erately but to my surprise I found

y body but it wasn't in the vile way like those men had looked at



I answered, my

. I'd always felt comfortable us

It suits you." He

cent like the others.

orehead in surprise. His e

ed for a moment. "But you

didn't have to, he al

t as you said." He told me casually. His stormy eyes studied me. "You a

It was out of my mouth


r your father?" His curiosi

I have left. I came here to find him but I've had no luck s

ocked my head too hard when I fell down. Maybe everything that was h

. I could see it


t me like tha

orphed back into the

ou here?" His voice was the same so

titude is Warren then yes, he's the one

but I could see it again, the

nded before he tu

eel my he

s lea

hose men

d out suddenl

ilthy hands on me. The thou


d get it over wi

ld see his whol

round to fa

ed. His voice was dark, furi

hroat felt like it w

appen sooner or later. I'd rather it be sooner.? I don't


with death. They plead to live, they'd say or do anything to stay alive. Usually when we

en I have nothing to live for anymore? I have no family, no home, no food, a

again, in h

d that

ving you." He


th mine. His gaze

." He spoke louder this time. "I was going to ask the m

in shock. "You'r

o not keep innocent people as prisoners, A

out sharply. Slowly

rought me here stood in the door

Hale an apology." Seb

m truly sorry ma'am. I panicked.

hell is g

one foot to another nervo

to leave, you may. I am deeply sorry for any t

lt parched. "No one

one would dare." His voic

s side of him

rlier return. What if they try to

y, his intense gaze trained on me. "No one

heart was beating wildly but it wasn't from fear this tim

ars welling up. It had been so long sinc

. His eyes were molten grey with flecks of blue. And although

said softly before I tur

sharp inta

was a

with me tonigh


th. Me.

titude I'd been feeling ear

me." Was hi

ared, eyes nar

ou!" I

ot touch you. I would never touch a woman against her will. I am just offering you a sanctuary if you need one, since you told me you have nowhere to g


ell is wro


get out of here

o money.

What do you want from me?'' I as

rom you in return." He sighed, almost in exasperation. "If it m

s which weigh down on my conscience. On good days I get a chance to do things I don't regret, things which

pped c

t stop you if you decide to lea

e, we were practically chest t

is voice was so low,

ation. Even if it's

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