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Small Town Lights

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 926    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

e and convinced Maddy to stay calm and watch princess movies for the rest of the day. We ate junk food and sang along to every song. She fell asleep and I tucked her to her bed. I wondered what

uld ask Earl and Tanya

, “It’s time to go see Mee-maw and Gampa,” she continued bouncing. I laughed at her she was

. Because Tanya preferred southern causal, it was always a little hard to find something she would be happy with. She may not be my mother, but she was a southern woman and even if she didn’t do it on purpose, she judged how I dressed. I grabbed a short-sleeved maxi dressed

sandals on to her feet and I just stood and watched her. I already knew if I tried to help, she would yell at me. “Momma I’m done,” she sa

p her, but she hopped out before I could. She ran straight to the house, ra

emember. She did a little of everything in the house. Cooking, cleaning and she helped with raising Colt. She even caught us making out the first time we ever kiss.

d her back. She waited for Rosie to step out of the way so she could enter the house. I watched as Maddy ran past Rosie and s

n in the house,” I said as I caug

a look on her face that showed concern. Worry? I wasn’t co

d Maddy, “Maddy couldn’t wait to see

k yard. Tanya looked at me and her eyes widened. She moved closer

I whispe

ed to come back with us,” she was obviously trying to

nd didn’t know what to do. I looked around for Maddy. I had to grab her and get out quickly.

k away from him but from the corner of my eye I saw Maddy wrap herself around Colts leg. She was talking but I

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