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My Mate Tempting Desire

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

eason for why she was anticipating and dreading Mr. Montes's next class. She was currently

e applying it carefully to her eyes to avoid drooling all over her face later in the day. She was supposed to be at the orp

lably. She picked it up to gaze at the screen, "mom," the name showed with

e let out

ear to ear. "Doing great, just that school is a bit hectic these day

p sending us money for your father's treatment. I can handle that and t

on is expensive. I plan on stopping by the hos

he hospital, I update you frequently on your father'

lot of love and kisses." Her mother said from the other line before hanging up. Samantha exhaled and inhale

it began to pour heavily. Samantha scoffed at the disastrous timing. The orphanage where she worked was somewhere sh

ance from where the bus stop was located. She might end up catching a cold if she decides to run back

peered at her sneakers that were getting moistened by the rain if she continued wait

still going to get sick if

o get to their various destinations. Samantha held her bag over her head to cross the road w

aven because currently there wasn't any rain dropping on her clothes. She s

nyone but

e." His deep and frustrated-

lled fustratedly, but Samantha

got up before trudging towards his car. She aimed to open the back seat

sat close to him. "I __ii" she was going to say but he had thrown a towel

o do? Was this the reason why he was offering her a ride in his car? She tucked all her breath in before shutting h

our professor idiot.' She thought to herself. She blinked her ey

y jar in his car on the floor. She glared at him to notice the uncomfortable look he had in his vibrant

anything." He let out, making Samantha scoff. She wondered if he was being blun

h in his statement. Yes, he was a sca

r his location on his phone. She clasped the neat phone tightly to prevent it from slipping to the floor. Samanth

"Why? Is the location funny?" He asked, seizing his gaze off the road to

me for wanting to prey on my personal affairs," Samantha said, g

already know, because of how you treat me in class, you have treated me differently

giving you a ride now and offering you a towel doesn't mean we are friends

quiet and voi

she hadn't said

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