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The Reclusive Wife

Chapter 5 On My Way

Word Count: 1491    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

t. What happened to our house didn't leave my min

uldn't agreed to it. In the first place, I wouldn't agree... B

knew my father and sister are against it, even my mother. But the

ccept that. It was true that's why I'm accepting it, event

o you know

hen I heard our adviser calling my n


called another one. I just looked down and didn't bo

wrist watch and it's exactly twelve noon. I sighed and gathered

de in the morning. He's classes are all in the aftern

n each other for a year now and it's because of my sister. They are ac

I saw whom I've been waiting for. He's wearing an eyeglasses with a

I call

make you wai


ir which he always do. “Com


e're taking our way to the canteen. Kia is

that he got from his backpack. I was amazed at how organized he is. He a

said as I look at the food

y to see you, S

” I softly

think she wi

ork and put spaghetti on my plate as I said that. “

comes to people. So... befriending you

pt on my lips. He al

pened?” he asked t


.” He smirk, that it a

re shaking my head. “

at me as he put a spoonful in his

my low grade... I'

hard as if he was choking. My eyes widened that I panicked as I looked

ne gulp. I gasped when his cheeks were already as re

d him burst a laugh after. My brows furrowed as I just l

e?” I innoc

?” He asked again,

subsided before h

eating and still wait

ked, still shock

d. “They visited us two days

to their son?” he asked an

nts agre

ge?” he asked. His v

s I circled my fork on my food. I heard Kian

y s

company and

ced at him. His thick eyebrows

be marry to my sister, but Mrs. Velasquez does

Hart. That's why she doesn't like the marriage. But your parents just agreed... to let you marry “that”

urrowed. He shook his h

I think the Velasquez w

ole afternoon that I didn't focus on my class. All I can remember was th

f my classmates bid their goodbye which I just smiled bac

ve anything. I'm just a normal person and doesn'

ny. I want to help them get the ownership back. Just that. But I d

eone else, and I don't want her to be tied up to

for their own gain. And I am not an exception to that. Is that why my father looked at me

sed for “something”, that I don't know... for now. And he was right. I am jus

hat my pu

y, but I will use it to favor us. Our family needs to get the ownership of the company.

rrowed as I tapped the answer button. Who's this? I put it on my ear and I he

you talking,

his raspy voice. I gulped to ca


are you?” I can hear his ba

lips as I walked down the ai


he last building near the gate when I saw Kian waved back at me from the secon

s tha

his car sped up and before I c

on my

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