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Dilemma of a teenage girl


Word Count: 2012    |    Released on: 22/07/2022


or Erudi


er hand to reach for her phone. She unlocks it a

mn boring!" She e

ill night. She wasn't a lover of movies. She wished someone could come looking for her but she had barely stayed two weeks in this new

ng. There is probably

e stands up and headed towards the door, squeakin

Greene bolts the door behind him and offers him a

She remarked "You never tol

urprise. Perhaps, due to the fact that I was bore

e. Give me a minute please". Marvel Greene stood up and headed t

tters and helped himself wi

n before their arrival. I'm the only one at hom

home. You must be bored then." He f

f making everywhere lively for them. Should he suggest they play some video games? No! That game wouldn

ly a game or if you have a gist?" He had none. He's

t sure of what they could engage in. Marvel Greene de

s glad she brought up the idea and he's going to make a good use of it. Truth or Dare is a game playe

se the 'Unexpected' happens. Marvel stood up and sits closer to Jake. Her clothes were revea

e that the game has commenced. He looks str

engage me in

re changed and becomes tensed. Jake and Marvel becomes so engrossed in the act and were moving down slowly. He moves his hand to her breast and could feel it's firmness. He begins to unbutton Marvel's shirt and

apologizes. Marvel didn't pick offense. She st

oceed with

He's glad Marvel didn't pick offense.

h or


ile, and finally aske

orwegian; Olav. It was Olav that turned her to a sex addict. There's no point lying, Marvel

it to my Ex-boyfriend

she nods in affirmation. It

r Dare?"

hinking of what Marve

ave a gir

answers and Marvel

?" She questions searchin

Jake asserts truthfully. Marvel's sti

d Physiques greatly. Are you tryna tell me tha

ings attached." Jake couldn't understand

Jake lustfully and he got th

el heard that right. She stands up and sits on Jake's thigh

asks smiling mischievously when

vel adjusts herself and her firm boobs were pointing at J

grossed in this act and Marvel lies on Jake and slowly and begins to unbutton his shirts. She feels Jake's abs and runs her finger on his chest. Jake was breathing hard. She

retty big' Ma

She moans. Jake resumes Kissing her and slowly begi

ins pounding fast. In less than two minutes, he

She asks disappointed. She never

cides to let him be despite the fact that she craves for mo

concludes that Marvel must be a sex addict to have engaged in sexual activity with him in less than two weeks of meeting. He dismisses the thought. He

towel around her chest. S

r?" She says, showing Jake the wa

ed Jake on again. Marvel not

f any longer. He pushes her on the couch and starts kissing her. He caressed her boobs and even fingered her bef

arvel. Eric was glad knowing his friend has als

e her" Jake says but Eric

rubbish you just spitted I

e friends with benefits." Jake affirms and Eric

on, she would have allowed someone else if y

Jake insists and Ale

ke" sh

lessia?" He

around Eric and Pecks him but Eric removes her hand to her utmost surprise.

y?" He questions and Alessia was hurt by his w

s quite harsh." Jake complains bitterly b

? You're still going for Ma

ely." He

azy Jake."

ing to it that she didn't notice when Jake entered. He closed the door beh

e adjusts and

in the song you're listening t

nating. I'm surpr

ecting him. He had come to

to discuss something important with you. A very pressing issue." He pauses and Marvel list

ate in the things I do just because I've been keeping this to

ause we had sex two days ago?" She inquires, wondering how easy it ta

'm not saying this because of what happened the last time" Jake wishes Marvel coul

played in the past, I'm Philophobiatic at the moment.

her and will want to have her to himself bu

e" he mutters and lies on the couch kissing

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