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Struck by Love

Chapter 9 Eight

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 26/08/2022

ed for work on time, Cof

nnifer,” she

had a huge smirk on her face. “So, care to f

t. There’s not really anyth

r heard one. Spill it, girl,” sh

s something more to tell.” She gave her a playful

called out after her. “Inq

rned on her computer and took a long sip of coffe

ring by. “Laura, I need you to

ng, no how are you. L

t is

d news-wise on Tsar Enterprises

ed at the mention o

m getting quite familiar with the company. I want to prepare ev

I didn’t kn

or effect. “I invited him to dinner at my favorite French restaurant, Chez Sirène.

peechless. “

olvement. This is the big league now. Just the expe

ained out of

ater than 4 p.m.,earlier if you can.” She gave her a smug

And Angelo hadn’t mentioned this to her. She felt left out. But then she reminded herself that they hadn’t even been out on a date yet. It’s not like he was her boyfriend or anyth

’s dinner was about more than just business. At least for Raquel. She was taking him to one of the most romantic and expensive restaurants in M

it was all about Angelo’s company and helping Raquel prepare for her intimate di

nd cut the conversation short. She didn’t want anyone else knowing the potentially humiliating situat

o help Raquel help herself to Angelo. She chided herself for even considering this guy. The

into her office. Laura brought the just-fi

uel asked, reachin

were now painted a deep red. Her hair brushed to a smooth, silky shine. She had put an expensive tennis bracelet on and changed her earrings from studs to sparkly drop earrings. Laura n

through the file. “This

be a little late coming in tomorrow, but I’ll be h

te was a definite dig. She wanted to cry. “Okay

’m leaving early. I have some things I need to do before my meeting. Have a good nigh

f Raquel’s candy apple red Porsche Carrera fire up. The engine grow

ant to stay at the office any longer either. She grabbed her purse and coat to head

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