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Held Against My Will

Held Against My Will


Chapter 1 Prologue - The Infamous Engagement Party

Word Count: 1613    |    Released on: 03/10/2022


ny, for coming sh

, and Brenda, I think you are going to


ng turns out. No details. Girl, I can't ha

u are so pretty with a fab body and not

return to work before my helpless, dependent boss has a fit. If I'm one s


the door open. I quickly got ready to surprise him. First, I sat up and leaned against the headboard, posing for him sexily. T


, pausing, and thinking. "I'm no quitter. If my career is over, then I

st three weeks. Whenever Brenda came by, she would find Boston sitting behind his desk, pouring all his attention into his work. But not tonight. He

on of the bedroom. After a while, I threw on my robe when he didn't appear before me. I knew where he would be, the s

ponse, so I opened the door. I peek my head into his office and see Boston o

"What is it, Boston?

are having major financial issues. We're bleeding money, and he can't

t thing in the morning, I'm going to take a flight out of here and head to Ch

u live lately more than in London. How long will you be

don't know how long I will be away, but I promise I'll w

my eyes. Then I got angry! I realized I was the only one working my butt off in this relationship. And with all my work, I can't ignite my fiance's flames or get him burning for me. All my efforts were going nowhere in this sexless and loveless union! So finally, I need

The Unforgettable

ght. A night full of romance, especially when Boston got down on one knee and asked Brenda to marry him. You could feel the love in the air as the nig

meone clinking aga

u come and take a seat." Brenda Halston calls her fiance' the handso

d. Brenda smiled and sa

at Boston and flat-outstate. "I can't marry you. I'm sorry, mom an

from everyone pres

as one of those women who never left the house unless she was well put together, and tonight for their engagement party, she loo

y stayed together. She even sent Brenda on a plane to

ou done?" His mother

he time. I will spe

Fix it now! She's the

enda as she smirked, looking at him getting attacked in front of every

tood next to his mother

ching, and you know I will rui

nd—no need for anyone to get alarmed. Everythi

onsider you. If not, the deal is off, Mr. Kincaid! Your son has cost yo

op wheeling and dealing! Let me t

eturning his attention to Brenda' Walking over to Brenda's

r her shoulders, guiding her toward the exit. But she stopped walking,

er captivated audience of fam

but I can't marry you. I can't be wi

about, honey? We've known each other for a solid year. You know

flective lines on her forehead reappeared. Finally,

I know you do and love you, too, but w

ming from?" Looking confused. In the back of his mind, all he c

ting for one year and six months, I was initially excited when you asked me to marry you. We were finally taking our relationship to the next lev

hen he asked Brenda to be his wife, the next logical step was to get his investment money from his father. But he couldn'

I have a

enda, wha

, Boston? Tell everyone and our

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