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Word Count: 2154    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

rth. Liviana sat in the tunnels that lead the water out of the palace. Her clothes we

o herself while she sat dark tunnel close to th

oes, she wrapped herself in her arms, hoping and prayi

e, she wondered why the bell kept ringing. Her heart t

s missing!" A ma

he bell ring loud around the citadel. Liviana hears movements around her

r her life, she had sat in the water all night, and the guards didn't seem t

thought of an escape plan, luckily they hadn't noticed her yet, it's been thirty minutes, and her eyes shut briefly, exhausted and cold. Livi

round close to where she was hiding

arch for her himself, hearing this fear

s her mouth with her hands, sobbing. Liviana feare

iana heard him she knew it was over for her, she slowly

ing into the tunnel, Liviana grabbed her

ey don't get too deep, was she to surr

hts, the touch

s, Liviana knew the rest

lifeless body drop into the waters, aft

a small bed, and the r

es at the room where she lay, h

front of the room bows, m

sked the royal doctor who

Liam lowers his head keeping his hands in a fist, his jaw clenched, showing how a

d, and no one except the guards stood outside

fore replying, "In her chambers, S

and I want them at the court r

im, "Your Grandmother awaits you at y

or tomorrow" he replied

s, S

f stuck in the same room, she tried to escape. Seeing this she could tell her plan to escape failed

talk to the King herself, Liviana slowly got up. Her eye

pening, she

e, whose voice she heard only once, she had never got to see the king and doesn't know what he looks like. Eve

na directed her attention t

ner," she said, keeping an innocent face

ely, making her a bit comfortable.

na took her blankets off, and her

bed, the maid looked towards the d

ven up on whatever I was planning this palace is too secure to escape, if this i

ell me your name or not?" She asked, turning around, Liviana's eyes furrowed, and the lady knelt af

you doing?" She asked,

ed, not caring about

hness," S

ven when you have nothing to say" Livia

ur Highness,"

your name" Liviana's

," she bows, with her han

e the same age as her, but seeing how uncomfortable the questions made her look, she decided not to ask, hoping she couldn't fe

Queen doesn't make friends w

and tightened her lips, knowing she must have used th

your luggage" A voice announces b

e to see Mrs Dan standing outside. But her face is filled w

he asked, Liviana looks her up a

mom?" she as

o give you this

tioned, disappointe

s this her life? She questioned if this was a dream,

u okay?" Sania asked,

y, this wasn't the life she wanted. "I am not

aid said, Liviana turns back to her, and p

ackwards, lowering her gaze. Liviana looks at the wedding gown,

." Sania ste

nia takes a step backwards, "I

need to eat," Sani

ge of the bed, "I am not hungry!" She yelled, fall

d be here tonight," The senior ma

viana's fa

p with his bride-to-be, knowing eithe

hat stupid tradition? what year is t

red..." Livian

ng!!!" she said, aggre

h rage, as much as she tried to control her anger, she coul

come here!" She looked at them, Liviana held her head in her hand, and her lips shake, "If I didn't come back home and stayed with Michael I wouldn't b

slightly. "I know this is tough for you everything is new... We, the king, the pa

le?" Livia

arge are punished mercilessly, since he ca

fe of a beast, and this even frightened her more, Liv

e, please... We beg of yo

ibilities were impossible to her. Letting him take contro

takes her hand off her shou

s," they both say,

whole life she had lived outside the palace,

ray of food. After she was done, forcing herself to eat, she takes off her cloth, and

id and Sania walk into

no one, and she alerts, "Her High

hed for their queen to be. For the second time in Liviana's

ia asked, they both rush insid

ushed over to her, pulli

e doctor immediately!"

king around "What doctor?" L

ness, are

e didn't you?" She ra

nior maid asked

l her eyes, "and oh, I ate


e bedroom and finds other maids waiting. She sighed, rolling her eyes and clenching her jaw. "Get

cult task. She had never in her life been in a situation w

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