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Royal CEO

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1393    |    Released on: 28/11/2022

ime. I didn't want to fool myself. This… wasn't getting us anywhere. It wouldn't vanish soon. The imprint would stay longer than my

in. The question was… could I do it? By law, we belonged to eac

ared at him. I couldn't give him the angry look I aimed for. He kept lo

When he pulled his hands back, the look he gave me melted my heart a little more. Slowly, he

d them and I hated it. Even if I kinda liked the things but I needed to hide. Everything made anger boil up in my stomach. All he

! I'm dr

m. When I pushed open the door wide of the washro

l me he wants me t

felt so soft against my skin. I raked my eyes over it.

y belly got all tingly when my thoughts traveled in the wrong direction. I felt my face turn red. I was u

him. He gave me a smile. Strange! It worked. I got in and buckled myself. My sole focus was on getting him out of my head. It was impossibl

bodyguards knocked on the door to give me

t we were heading out when I asked him before. I blinked, feeling the car vibrate my body. I bl

aid, gripping the

t going back home," I shrieked. W

y do you always shriek in

oing home,"

of my hair off my shoulder. I shuddered with need. I bit on my lower lip. He ran his fingers in my hair.

over. I shook them off, "Then?"

n," His smi

ed. I crossed my arms over my chest. I couldn't ignore the sweet pain

he was always dead seri

y like a perfect husband? I

ed. Tears burnt at the back of my eyes. He didn’t seem anything li

irls' eyes are filled

nger, "Congratulations, you're th

giant smile, "Then, they

ion, "You were with another woman on our wedding night.

He fastened his hands around the steering wh

through me. Everything was confu

like clothes? It's your first

t and the on

rce." I said harshly. Anger made thing

ur hand, Sienna."

sed to watching me sleeping with

a dark one, "Watch your mouth, Si

your," My v

very day, my queen

my back and glanced out of the window. It was use

alted near the plane. It was a freaking shock to me to ge

ut of the car, his expression cold after our argument. B

ared at his private plane in bedazzle

going?" I asked

held out his hand

whether I should go with him or not. I couldn't say no to

attachment I'm going to hav

other woman on our wedding night. He could do anything.

and began to lead m

ruin me," I mumbl

anced at me til

ead and glance

gasped gazing around. I didn't understand. Why did my pa

e happy and lead a

wife. I nodded at the attendance as

mmediately. I settled in a comfortabl

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