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His Marriage of Convenience

Chapter 4 Fractures in reflections

Word Count: 2169    |    Released on: 04/12/2022

though no one really knew the depths of their wealth. You see, the circle of elites in Seawood accepted them because it was obvious they had wealth, but not

g the nurses would carefully monitor the room Marissa lovingly chided her father that she was 2

in the morning. The TV showed some courtroom dr


id nothing. Anna lifted her head

it all. Anna begged until Marissa relented, "Okay. Please be gent

don't understand.

ated briefly,

er sore eyes,

ained enough, but Anna

way. Maddie is

"Maddison is som

ferent. Sure it's only been a fe

ially about my friends. I really don't know. I do know someone sent those pictures to Honor to

who. Anna glanced at M

ay that because of what she said in the bathr

ne until they found the clip. The serene Faith smiling at the

he does look ...

e she's trying to not appea

ain. Marissa sighed and put the phone away. "Let

woke up to Judy tidying up the room. Anna slowly sat up and looked around. The Hospital room seems so

d to you was awful. I can't imagine. But... yes. T

heard her phone ping. Maddie's chimed. Anna instantly was on her feet fumbling for her phone. Do

all and went strai

this is selfish but I need .my fri

support. She would be there for Maddie no matter what. After res

e that's the

ted, "No.

ed daughter in all things except the Baileys. It

ent downtown. Anna barely greeted the doorman who recognized her. She rode the elevator wringing her hands with anxiety over her friend.

. Maddie explained they had planned the whole event, Jaxon and her. That they were meant t

weeks and weeks. How it was supposed to be a surprise for Anna... and how it was ruined. Maddie shared someo

ated it. How he left her without anothet word and wasn't answering her calls. Anna was dumbstruck. She re

didn't. But Anna knew someone who did. Anna asked, "Is there

ment!" Maddie's shoulders quaked with despair. Anna peered a

ll the super sleuthing young women could do it was a matter of mere minutes with the help of

have seen into the room, "Maybe they too

about you? I should have known it would have been too much for you. I knew Jaxon is stupid and probably would h

o I'm fine. Listen. I think this is Faith'

's sis

sat Maddie down to tell her everyth

Anna continued about the entire night. About Marissa and Faith in the powder toom. She told Maddie about wha

Anna soaked Jaxon, and Maddie break down as Honor walked away with great shame. It was after

na had seen this before in her best friend. For all of Maddie's wonderful qualities An

a new car. Several girls were out taking photos with it. Maddie saw them and demanded they stop, that was her car. They didn't li

ssed to come back the following year. Anna hasn't been able to go to the dance, but heard tales even years later at the crue

own. But like a switch, the grit of teeth and grimace of Maddie's face

shouldn't have shown y

u're right she did this. " Maddie turned and ince again her expression changed. Maddie gather

Anna's form from the previous night unconscious and covered in high

lly cheat on you or did she

ylan said. Maddie looked doubtful at the incredulous wor

Dylan. He talks to them but the

know why Jaxon is friends wi

Which is why I can't

than Jaxon's but the similarity was strong. Same beautiful brown hair. Same deathless whiskey brown eyes. Though white her skin carried a natural sort of glow Maddie brag

ually believe

I've always had a crush on Jack. I... I thought things

hat for years she watched Jaxon wine and dine all sorts of women. When he asked her she thought he was joking. Yet he wouldn't refuse. He'd take her hand when they went out. Texted her sometimes

iked him. She tried to explain it all. How he never seemed to be wowed when she looked smoking hot, or how he didn't seem to be interested in spending time w

had enough, "Tell you what. I'll just go find out. You know. He was about t

m in the car and he pretend

ng to be stupid then of course he'd deny it

"What if you saw

ld never. He's devoted to me. My broth

her phone facing the camera a smile on her lips. Anna gasped. On Maddie's top of the line screen she could finally see the screen of

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