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Tame Me, My Forbidden Mate

Chapter 4 Tempted To Him

Word Count: 1190    |    Released on: 08/12/2022

articularly appreciate that Jonas' room is next to mine, or rath

ecause the other room is already taken." He put d

your uncle Alfonzo, and the house might have

rogues, so I took them." He made

up of bad guys? Isn't that

bt. I have to fight each an

e is strong, but I don't

pack could just be

, I have nothin

e you're not afraid," The

er." I stressed the word "sister" because I was worried that Jonas had fo

my sister..." Jonas yelled as he stopp

happiness at risk," I say with a f

hing our attraction, I can

Then, since we both know the temptation is too strong, let's try

so I turned away from Jonas an

t I was saying. "If it's good, why do your eyes tell you some

I quickly got away from him. "Please get ou

s one hand around my waist and the other

l go, but

l weak. And, just like before, I replied

behind me and gently squeezed

, the electricity that comes from J

my kisses and touches," as he slid his mout

es and grip h

h, and I've never felt that way abou

e when Jonas picked me up and laid me down on the

o into my blouse, my b

onas! Plea

m, something terrible would have happened

is face on my neck to hide his irritation. He stayed i

I say o

left the room wit

you going to do, Tamara Morningstar? How can you get to Jonas Hale from your

mother told me to bring important things, but I didn't get much

ing in this city because it would be

e I was so busy. When my mom knocked on

ith your stuff, but your room sti

the room. Don't do anything without my permission," I said

e you need. I talked to him earlier, an

tay away from Jonas if my mother wants us to be together?

t three men who I thought were no

hter is cute!" Alfonzo says something as he walks

you said. It was nice to meet you

's smile fool you. I'm sure she

g ready for Tamara, but we should ta

of the three guys said, "Uncl

s the guy on your left, and Joey is the last one. They also leave bec

t's sad to live in a house where only a few p

nyway?" As soon as we sat dow

so Elija went to the woo

't your Al

ge, but Jonas was already ready

ate because I knew why

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