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The Mafia & Ruthless Billionaire

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1003    |    Released on: 10/12/2022


he same suit from the morning. He removed his coat and thr

ce? big brot

t wasn't like he didn't trust his men. He just didn't wanna take

sports car. "

t that car. " Kair

ey were born rulers and looked at these grow

f his bodyguards and security. He was looking li

ake it. " He said to Kairo,

hugged his brother, " Let's race.

nna lose. " D

" Kairo smirked back, sh

king and looked back at

dience today." He sai

ot fair. " K

t us. " Dani

e roaring. He was looking at them. He saw Danny co

vening, si

d him and strode toward his

necessary to lock the door behind him. Dann

ing the technology, he transfe

But he halted him by the sign of his finge

asked him, stepping into his offi

" He frowned. He didn't plu

ro said, drawing his face

weren't my brother. " He said angrily, pullin

brother. I wanna meet

brakes, Kairo

ace," Danny asked

you coming. I guess something essential.

ll of sneaking. He could easily snea

l came into the room, saying h

re. Which was clear to not tell anyone about her. He didn't want anyone to know

said, giving his laptop to Dan

of the office w

ore important than ra

**g kidding me?

brother's girlfriend. " Kair

claimed and crouched down near him. Danil couldn't believe

. He immediately texted Danny t

, " I'm fuc**** happ

stuck to the mafia." He sm

me blood in our vei

a separate road," Kairo

his phone as it vibrated in his ha

d to his brothers and sa

big brother. "

. Show me her picture." Dan

the morning " He r

you staring at your phone w

e lit the display of his iPhone

er…" He trailed and smirked fully, " I'm glad. Sh

." He smil

morning. She is wort

aid, sauntering

the bed. He opened the details on his laptop and glanced at her, calmly! With a slight curve on his lips, " Guil

When he knew he was the first man to touch her. He didn't know what the future would have been

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