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Reborn A Dazzling Girl

Chapter 10 Code Cracking

Word Count: 1652    |    Released on: 30/03/2023

e corner. The first round would be held in Maybourn High and would be

anna asked Emberly worriedly,

ational Science and Technology Innovation Competition th

ve been waiting for you to bomb since Janetta spread the new

y, and I want you to be there." Speaking of her birthday part

nd nodded, "Okay

ced as scheduled. In the classroom, Emb

real game, Emberly, not something around which you can just bluff your way.

berly and waited

and proceeded to her seat. She

d to mean? Did Emberl

h and clenched her fists. She indeed would wait and see who

of knowledge and vocabulary. The invigilator strode in, and the room instantly q

he first round, but the test was already incredibly challenging. There were many obscure wor

ery page and started writing nonstop. She took the test as if every answer to every questio

slowly to Emberly. He was surprised to see her answerin

hings down, but when he checked her answers car

so amazed that he felt a little envious. He glanced at the name on Emberl

finished taking the test. She sto


d at his watch. It had only been th

of the room. Janetta stared at her with wide, disbelieving eyes. Wa

nded in her examination paper early simp

d go there and meet him. Isaac had been waiting for Emberly at the Internet cafe every day since he didn't have any other w

e cab, Isaac was overjoyed.

e any idea how long I've been wa

?" For the sake of the money he paid her as tuition

which he himself assembled. Staring at the impressive-looking little machine, Emberly couldn't help feeli

ou hear

eplied directly

d never heard of YN? Although he didn't want to admit it, YN

post he was looking for, he clicked on it and said to Emberly, "This is a bounty post from the Skasia Group. They need someone to crack the core

ssues with them before. They said to my face that they

ed, he would

take a

antically. Soon, lines after lines of code appeared on th

o crack the program's code, blowing Isaac

t's interesting that it's crawling with traps. It's like it's designed to bait who

im on the ropes for three whole days was just a no-brainer to Emberly. She didn't even break a sweat wh

seemed to be busy with something lately. Thank God Emberly showe

gram to the Skasia Group and so

ounty. Isaac transferred all the money to Emberly without hesitation.

e lab, she would occasionally go to Usharia Academy to give lessons to the s

ld pick up on lessons quickly with only a few instructions. Under Emberly's

re she left, Issac became excited. He finally di

watch and found that it was still early. She took a tax

ch, please?" Emberly pointed at a wat

who was simply dressed. She smiled at her, o

diamonds. It was a little pricey, but Ivanna deserved the best for her birthday

een looking for you!" someone

hed to the hospital the other day. The old lady looked well and was dr

'am. Are you feeling better?" E

d held Emberly's hand. "If it weren't for you, my dear, I wouldn't be standing he

ickly handed a credit card to the saleslad

a gift." That night, Emberly received a sum of money that

too. Have you had dinner? We should go to my house for dinner. My family has been wa

but failed. Next thing she knew, she

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1 Chapter 1 The Reincarnation2 Chapter 2 Awkward Reunion3 Chapter 3 Back To School4 Chapter 4 A Dare5 Chapter 5 His Sister's Keeper6 Chapter 6 A Good Deed7 Chapter 7 Street Fighting8 Chapter 8 A Ridiculous Lie9 Chapter 9 Smart Teammates10 Chapter 10 Code Cracking11 Chapter 11 Visit The McCoy Family12 Chapter 12 Cheating Accusation13 Chapter 13 I Can Prove It14 Chapter 14 New Popularity15 Chapter 15 The Birthday Party16 Chapter 16 Old Friend17 Chapter 17 Disabled Painter18 Chapter 18 Assassination Attempt19 Chapter 19 Laboratory Experience20 Chapter 20 Sanford Perez21 Chapter 21 Worried Friends22 Chapter 22 Demand An Apology23 Chapter 23 The Hackers' Face-off24 Chapter 24 Become Famous25 Chapter 25 Meet Again26 Chapter 26 Why Are You Helping Me 27 Chapter 27 The Math Tryout28 Chapter 28 Outstanding Project29 Chapter 29 Primary Accomplishment30 Chapter 30 Buy A House31 Chapter 31 Before The Party32 Chapter 32 A Gift From Austin33 Chapter 33 The Head-turner34 Chapter 34 The Empire March35 Chapter 35 Leave The Hammond Family36 Chapter 36 Family Reunion37 Chapter 37 The Announcement38 Chapter 38 First Snow In Esabury39 Chapter 39 Her Dream40 Chapter 40 The Final Moment41 Chapter 41 New Champions42 Chapter 42 The Holographic Age43 Chapter 43 Skiing44 Chapter 44 Ember Game45 Chapter 45 Star Game46 Chapter 46 Full Marks Again47 Chapter 47 The Opening48 Chapter 48 Increasing Popularity49 Chapter 49 Someone Is Making Trouble50 Chapter 50 All Sides Took Action51 Chapter 51 The One behind52 Chapter 52 Specially Invited Expert53 Chapter 53 A Super Wonderful Roommate54 Chapter 54 Brother And Sister55 Chapter 55 30 + 1056 Chapter 56 Emberly From Bluabert57 Chapter 57 The List Of The Final58 Chapter 58 Gold Medalist59 Chapter 59 Turn Off The Offers60 Chapter 60 Became A Trending Topic61 Chapter 61 None Of Your Business62 Chapter 62 The New Year Is Coming63 Chapter 63 Haunted House64 Chapter 64 Merry Christmas65 Chapter 65 Molly's Stepfather66 Chapter 66 Decide To Divorce67 Chapter 67 Meet An Acquaintance68 Chapter 68 Ten Years At Least69 Chapter 69 Rebirth70 Chapter 70 Emberly's Uncle71 Chapter 71 Mount Highland72 Chapter 72 Have A Crush73 Chapter 73 The Roses74 Chapter 74 Pregnant75 Chapter 75 Ares76 Chapter 76 At A Critical Moment77 Chapter 77 The Episode78 Chapter 78 Carver Jensen79 Chapter 79 A Famous Doctor80 Chapter 80 Acupuncture81 Chapter 81 Apprentice82 Chapter 82 The Interview Began83 Chapter 83 Make Way For Us84 Chapter 84 The Leader Of Ember Game85 Chapter 85 Trend86 Chapter 86 Princess Serena87 Chapter 87 I Can Consider It88 Chapter 88 Agree To Put On A Show89 Chapter 89 Arriving At The Film Crew90 Chapter 90 Post91 Chapter 91 Cause A Heated Discussion92 Chapter 92 Official Announcement93 Chapter 93 Illegitimate Daughter 94 Chapter 94 I'm Looking Forward To It95 Chapter 95 The Fake Hammond Daughter96 Chapter 96 The Test Was Successful97 Chapter 97 Value It So Much98 Chapter 98 Maestro Novah99 Chapter 99 Recording Completed100 Chapter 100 The Invitation