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Chapter 10 X

Word Count: 1195    |    Released on: 15/12/2022

0: Materi

ses. Or maybe he was waiting for me loose some HP. Let's get some distance first, 50 seconds shoul

…30 seconds…50 secon

jump down from the tree and head in the direction

eautiful girl lying motionless on the ground. My senses tell me

d. Did she loose her footwear on the way? She's lost and is still loosing a lot of blood from h

t I have no U coins left as I use

weapons to sell…Definitely not selling my scythe. Hmm…the skill b

nster parts,

ts physical form, I only hear its voice. Well, I guess it's also fo

before speaking?" That's a

p. I hope it isn't to

ts in the store for Material Points

just watched me waste precious goods. Ah! I feel like my head got struck with a hammer. So

nster not long ago…

r corpse and sell it. I had to divide the parts (skin, meat, bones, liver, e

k. Why can't I just thr

00 M points = 1 U coin]. I should do less damage to the fur, hide and skin of beasts so that they'll

my goal. "Phew. That was hard. I had to kill more

oints →13

ins → 1

, but this low-grade potion should

an exception and sold me half. This should buy me enough time to hunt for more M po

ack? Nope. Leaving you here is dangerous. Carrying you while figh

ile before comin

on this. Admin, can someone who


tively to bring her around in

ou will have to bring her out every 600 seconds after

have to make sure I don't forget to check the timer. Opening the portal s


girl I saved. I jus

Your HP should be stable now, but you

t take her long? She looks human and I doubt there's any race in this game that has such low INT (regen speed). Was a status effect skill used to attack

id you save m

Here." I give her a bottle of w

She wants to

no need to call me Sir. Ma

Dexter. You can

y the way, your avat

r?" Sh

t an avatar is? Mayb

hat's yo

woods to ick fruits to make fruit cakes for my bakery

with some food. "What abou


he green bar in y

tares at

lly are new to R


S. That should ope

. St

a brief

ng hap

pposed to always see but I suppose my bad lu

to games. That's all." I pause then call the admin

e one." The admin pa

ed to have one? That could only

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