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The Ruthless montero

Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 1053    |    Released on: 23/12/2022



eep, Ace had left her with Rita and went stra

ent straight to jeff's bedroom, when she didn't find him there,

asked immediately she stormed in

m!" Ace yelled unable to

for a second and continu

you any explanation why I do things you

ou just killed the brother to

e in love with?, I bet grandma would be pleas

te grandson will never get her an heir simply because he is incapable of

ething like that?" Je

most falling down her face, this was the f

e glad to hear how useless you are", jeff was quick to

se!" He ordered go

nd, maybe because he didnt like talking much or

er do to you?" Ace was not ready to back down and at that mome

l you that?" He asked sitting comfor

now Santa" she didn't like Jeff addressing Rio as her lover, the w

e in charge of the company here, yet you go around chasing after a gold digger and helping her brother whom you empl

less!" She yelled, tears where already threatening to fall but

Ace rushed forward in an attempt to slap him but he was q

do, you are my first priority and I don't intend to see you hurt becaus

how was it love when he intende

s, if he felt Rio wasnt worth of being in her l

ted him ever c

iness, who would have known that even in a foreign country he would

everything in her and at that poin

diately called David who was always

r" he a

hat our men found

arranging his bruel which will be tomorrow since they don't have any oth

mind, David didn't know what his boss meant by that but he knew one thing for sure, it wasn'

vil, it was like the devil

ays time and yes, find five men, there is something important i woul

see if his sister was still in th

day he would raise his hands on her yet today, she pushed

she had found out he

t information the way she did today and all that

had decided he was going to make that slut pay, her death

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