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The Alpha and His Pet

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 04/01/2023


ving loathed my father for so many years. But I didn't believe him until

g, I will be waiting for you in my office in case you have any additional questions. I understand that this comes as a surprise to you, and if I had known how much you des

dn't fall in love with you either. I found my true mate, and I made the decision to flee with him. I'm sorry, but I can't afford to waste any more time with you a

have such strong feelings against me if she wasn't my biological mother? How could she betray the man who had elevated her

ow on, but I needed more information. Why would he force me to mate with an a

y pieces, I walked downstairs to see my belo

for me, just as

ocked on the door. “father. "

acked his fingers to the door

out hesitation or wasting any more time: "First and foremost, I would like to ex

hat knowing you despised me for years

ut myself for

I've heard that you want me to be mated to an alpha that I've never met before. Why? Getting ma

t the human you love?

y, I spread that rumor. I've never had an extramarita

and jumped to his feet, excl

st be mated to a pure werewolf alpha in order to be considered complete. I attempted to change the rules, but all of the ministers were opposed to my efforts. In addition, as you are well aware, I am growing older and will, sooner rather than later, lose my ability and become weaker, at which po

was under the impression that my father had only decided that I should get married and

hat do you think you'll do? Please keep in mind that I will not be able to maintain the throne for more than two or three months. The fact t

t anyone defeat you and usurp your throne. I can't wait to be mated to the best Alpha there is. You have given up so much over the years for my happ

ther had lied when I said that. He was actua

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