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Neighbors Stalker

Chapter 3 Last Night

Word Count: 2067    |    Released on: 07/01/2023

I noticed that Jelyssa was knockin

cold water on you, so that you will

there's only one bucket left, look... he filled our drum inside the bathroom. Oh isn't he, he's s

tely! It's me, I've been living here for sever

tered! He knows you..." he said,

ow did he

I'll as

turned my eyes back to what I was doing. At any rate, my friend has no shame in that. But how did he know me? Wait, why am

uldn't help but look at him, how could I be attracted to his ha

ind, it's a shame if I just give you twen

ed him with what

This friend of mine is really jealous, I'm sorry." I glared at i

ro! What are you

ontinue," Kae

u pay for your procrastination, don't you thin

made an offer... that's gr

m still quite fu

aid with a smile. Tha

What are you, aren't you a good cook? Le

on purpose!" I whispere

, Kael. Eat here

r you...” It turned to me,

a lot of it.” I walked over to the

a sat in the chair and motioned for Kael to sit in another vacant

el whispered to Jelyssa. I heard his weak voice. That's wh

Kael suddenly stood up to hel

t Jelyssa who was sitting smiling. This my friend is

eautiful, then added with talent like this. Isn't her husban

Jelyssa, "Yes, it's rea

thrilled, Jel

t fun sometimes." I sat down to start eating. But I felt ashamed of the fo

y didn't you take the HRM course, aft

fferent places," I

t are you up to?” J

ust looking for a

e, double pay with extra—” I slap

im so he laughed and

ael? Do you have a girl

I'll say

The answer to my second questi

bowed while eating, as

mouth, that's how he reall

ne," he sa

y friend... did you know that every

! Als

el seems to be trustwor

" Kael

won those in the raffle. A

w could I not stop my

," Kael sai

erson using your name, and I'd say follow

u really made a reques

e... don't you Kael?” J

That's why I just continued to eat


person who kept calling. It was nine o'clock in the m

it?" I

Loiuse De Leon?" asked

s w

ou won th

ere. "What is this again

Flat Screen TV." Scrat

didn't win that!" I closed the door. And behi

o you bro?" Jelyss

hroom and just finis

rvously walked towards the

ked but when I didn't speak he looked at the door and did

e!" I st

efore openi

unned when she saw the man

ing," gree

s your morning

outside. The appliance agent was the

es widened an

k the door on Gilbert? Go on Gilbert.” Jel

looked at me. "Is there a pr

nces and groceries? What do you thi

u mean?” it was a

rigerator? Then you entered our school so you could be with Keana? Ayyy... yo

ator you sent here, then take your groceries h

not sending anything

you want to send the receipt too... just in case Bes K

not joking!" I sn

ert, Ateng Keana is mens

up, and appr

why should I send applianc

th the Flat Screen TV? Don't te

are you so hot for me? Did I do something to you? Tell me. We only met yesterday, but it seems like we

ing here?" I ask

yssa as well. Is that bad? I'm a new transfer to t

make friends with your

are few male students there who want to

not bad to have a male friend. Then Gilbert is

sa!" I widened my ey

you really the one send

not mine," he r

this?" I whisp

r, and he's bringing i

d I know you are one of them Gilbert, but besides

a TV came right away, couldn't it... couldn't it be Kael?

e? He has almost nothing in the house, and still no job. Are you telling me that with his hard work he can buy

nd how did you hear wh

someone from the ghost who's sending you that, let's ask again... hopefully later, he'll sen

ou! You're being sill

on you'll call your friend and send a Washing Machine,

t rich enough to provide a

n you say about

t's why he sat back on t

said... you'

Gilbert?" I'll c

u up, so we can go

rt flirts with you, answer right away... because

he one who falls! Take care of that!

sent it then? Raffle? He thought he was going to trick me

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