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My Husband is an Emperor

Chapter 5 My Husband is an Emperor

Word Count: 2071    |    Released on: 10/01/2023

er went down. But the pallor is

ou did was very dangerous," I said, sitting next to

reason but I was disappointed. Emperor Rhizhi is very secretive. O

oom. And immediately reported

rest. They want to enter, because they are looking for

hment in store for me, when the dear Emperor and I return to the palace. I stared at the Emperor, his pain was

back to the

at I said, as if he di

g? I cannot allow you to be punished just becau

friend. But it was not happy with my decision. Even if Xijie is against my decisi

Queen Mother imme

fe to eat? Do you really want him to die?! Blasphemy! Don't you kn

e me for what I have done, I did not want to endanger

place! And to pay for what you have done, you must be punis

rgiveness but the soldiers grabbed me by the arm and tried to pull me away from the Q

hough his body was still weak

are you doing here?” a

owly, his condition o

mmediately approache

efore turning to

. I left the palace to follow him. I was the one who voluntarily lef

defense of me. Why is he doing

ed at the Emperor, and I saw in his face that he was worried about me.

What your majesty sa

with you. The Emperor cannot go out of the palace because too much can happen to him. Especially w

find out what it was like. I pumped him again before applying first a

Emperor's room," he

ajesty's room," he told me, but I

that your majesty's condition is getting wor

't do that with majesty. His pain is getting w

pped, Princess Ching was silent a

anding up to face Princess Ching, but the Emperor's hand

red in a weak voice, he closed his

accompanied by General Shon. The Emperor

Princess Ching said t

looked at me before moving his h

Yeng. I will get bette

am the reason why the majesty's condition is getting worse. How could I be t

mperor. I sat on the edge of his bed with my eyes c

because of the tickle that

oke up so I q

lt my cheeks heat up. I immediately ran out of the room. I met Geneal Shon, he st

doing and I didn't realize what I was doing!” I was restless at that time, until I

ood is here." He put


ced, it immediately kn

ease punish me fo

my waiter said.

ecause you were tired and stayed up. That's why I haven't been able to approach yo

roached him, before whispering a question. “W-what did you see last night? Did I do so

y natural for you and your husband to hug each other whi

in his room again." I hit my forehead, because of the annoyance I feel. But on the other hand

d way to make the princess fail in poisoning the majesty. I immediately went to the kitchen and made bread for the majesty. I didn't just make bread, inside the bread I put an antidote to co

the table but Princess Ching immediately took it and to

you know that, huh? Oh yes, by the way. How do you know that when you k

so it was silent again. "Put the brea

our ma

y the Emperor's order. Emperor Rhizhi picked up a piece of bread. It was immediate

incess Ching did the opposite. It just grabbed the food before saying goodbye

ght, Your Majes

or who watched over me last night was good," he said so I suddenl

o do something.” I was going to say goodbye to it but sudden

riend? How important is your friend that you

ou don't tell me about your illness. Wait... are you jealous, Your H

ons, Empress Yeng!

eally? Admit it because you're jealous that's why yo

't lead me on! Sto

his room, but suddenly he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. So I lost my ba

Emperor's room. They saw what was happening to both of us. They were stunned and did not move im

ck on the Emperor. While the sold

e palace without permission from me. Do you understand?”

an out of the room and there it was as if I was trying to stop myself fro

sked me because I was smiling like I wa

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