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Martyr Wife Book 1

Chapter 5 Martyr Wife Book 1

Word Count: 962    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

ough she hadn't eaten dinner yet. His stomach was boiling with hunger, but he was sure he

though there was no bread. Later, his father came down from the other room. Daisy turned, becaus

after placing the cup

quietly next to her f

our brother

king at her father because she couldn't l

etch water." He stood up, and left the house

expects his older brother to come back, while Daisy thinks he won't co

all bruised, she still went to school

se! Your mother always does that

o. Besides, I rememb

r father and he doesn't care about

re only thinking about him. But when he did tha

boyfriend's birthday!" Dellia asked him, but he quickly refused

because the wounds on my

You look like a patpatin, are you still eating?” Dellia squeezed her skin even more,

eir heads, and no one was

hey left the s

y looked at what Allen was talking about at the same time. And he

ton came to him. And his friends were a

brother," said

, while Dais

ke you," said Anton, who w

s red. Why is A

ave a boyfriend!" Dellia pro

s stunned when Anton suddenly e

is Daisy's friend by the way,"

pted Anton's hand, and

'm Allen, Daisy'

Allen." After tha

iend's lover?” Dellia said, taking a good look at Anton's appearance,

!" Daisy looked sh

u want to come? Daisy doesn't want to come with us, we'll j

nt, as if knowing her answer. Bu

mother will scold him! I don't want to see him

y, her wound hasn't even healed yet!" said Allen to Dellia,

t is waiting for us!" Dellia said goodbye, Daisy

Anton."Let's go?" Anton's n

u pick me up?

r is away? Why do you have so many scratches on your face?

ed, she turned a

id Daisy, who didn't

ou know, you shouldn't let him hurt you. She

cause—" Daisy was stunned aga

" Anton held Daisy's hand. "Trust me, don't be shy to admit it to me, Daisy. You can trust me when you have a problem. Don't hesit

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