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Playful Destiny Alyanna

Chapter 3 Playful Destiny

Word Count: 1371    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

en staring at me for a while now. "Trev what were yo

y. "I don't know about you! You said we're

n't want to see someone, then it's true that he's handsome, who c

sure it's Trev, why is he here? Is he also studying here? What course? Which department? But if it was him

ing about your Trev? Yiieeee..." Mik-mik joked

just my imagination." I took my book and focused my eyes on it. I'm sure that when I'm ready like that, Mik-mik won't mak

really couldn't get it out of my mind that he pretended no

gh I was confused, I still managed to liste

at the door. Speaking of these, Roberto Montelibano, a Marine Student, is said to be spreading the various shots of him from those who see him. The others are curious about Roberto's perso

at the door. Speaking of these, Roberto Montelibano, a Marine Student, is said to be spreading the various shots of him from those who see him. The others are curious about Roberto's perso

e four seats there, we had no other choi

t before we line up. We might run ou

we heard a scream again. So those in the front line ran out of the cafe

itedly while I was getting stronger again in my chest.

something to eat. While I was shopping, the girls came closer and

-mik who couldn't be bothered because

e he just didn't really notice me that's why he snubbed

who was already staring at me. I saw Trev coming c

crew who is spooning in the food. It's like I'm being rehearsed beca

r food. I can see out of the corner

he courage to stare at him, I succeeded because he al

ked him which surprised all the st

! They know

nd your si

s lu

ik was the same, who was quiet because I

v spoke, my chest was st

ne?" it seriously promises

as embarrassed to pick up the tray and I almost fell because of embarrassment whe

continued to sit in my seat. I'

e you so ksp? Then you are ashamed

d, Mik-mik had t

nd you called Roberto Trev? Are y

even more. I'm really ashamed of what I

table. I'm very annoyed wi

eryone was watching while eating, I remembered Trev being a

y screamed which

?" this is

pretending to be a geek. Because it's like fairy tales. He is looking for the mate of his heart. I suddenly smiled, I

huh! It's like you're possessed by an evil s

you! The effect is not good!" said

mediately asked Mik-mik. How come, I remembered that our electricity

looked at my chest so my ey

des, even if I'm in trouble! I'll never

laughing. It was still kicking on

a pimp? That's not what I'm offering!" he said,

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