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Single Daddy

Chapter 2 Single Daddy

Word Count: 1054    |    Released on: 17/02/2023

or sleep too? Maybe Sir is really strict with the helpers, so maybe his wife

rents divorced?“

nced being separated from his parents immediately. I remembered my

atever wealth surrounded him was still lacking, beca

s hair. It looked at me, but only f

e him, so he can get use

idea so I can rest be

ook care of my siblings and I almost became the

gulations I'm not allowed to go out to get some air. I stood up and looked out the window. The night is

l but I was staring at the sky. I could hear the rustling of the leaves being slightly blown by the wind. Out of nowhere, a head suddenly appeared from the pool right in front of me. I almost screamed in fear, but when I looked, a person appeared there. It rose from the p

Who are

as upset when he reported me to my boss that I wa

he pool?!“ His voice sounded a little scar

e. If you think I'm peeking at you, that's where you're wrong because I don't know you're there.“ Come on, why am I explaining? He is

d closer to me, but I still didn't face hi

y this is my chance to run. I could have easily denied going out because he

tened.THE NEXT DAY there was talk in the kitchen about what happen

was so bad that he has a scratch on his cheek. Aling Lita said. The c

think that this could be our boss? Because of my nervousness last night, I scratched it on my face. This is the only way for me to escape. I got that style in self defense for people who always try to attack me. After i

ight and we all know here at home that we

This is the only thing he wants to c

st night? Maybe you just missed to read

ad everything in the folder. That's wh

t Sir saw was the child of the workers out there that Sir always fantasized about. And because they knew that sir was taking a bath at that time, they even managed to get a bososan. Oh my, th

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