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Evil is Born

Chapter 3 Zalak-in chilo

Word Count: 1000    |    Released on: 09/03/2023

Zalak in the strange land ( chilo). After being scrutinized, trained, he began the struggle as a normal

so màke friends who in due time follow him to either the forest or sea path for daily breads, his friends calls an knows him as a lucky charm boy, a strong boy in youth an tru

th female an male an select the best for horse races, cultural dance, wrestling, paddling regatta, Beach party an celebration to their gods for protection an fertility. The occasion kick started wit

5 paddlers in each. The boats are .made of wood an design with animal skin an names of different deity are written on the boats an here is Zalak in boat three(3rd) with h

who in his reign dominate to many communities,kingdoms an region because of his might armor, weapon an strong trained soldiers. It was stated that the might king Zeus covered his land area in the south region of six villages of Cameroon. in a week, he fought against king (Zeus) an his men killing over 12 thousand soldier in the forest for days an it was raining all through, he won an kill king Zeus an won his territories for chilo kingdom, making it land area bigger an bigger and more popular in the region . Zalak didn't lose any fight, or any animal escape his traps or fish his net,all this were the help of the spiritual being in him.Zalak always lived an expected life an now he is now 21 years, he's going home to balabulu were there was no rain for 21 years an the people suffer famine an hunger. The people over this year feed from hands to mouth nothing to save an their god's falas is deads.the people of chilo gether him plenty of goods knowing that his home town was in lack an that that he will need them(food stuff an vegetables.before now Zalak as already secure his place in the heart of one beautiful maiden of chilo village. Who he met in the farm site of her parents,where she was c

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