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Love to Hate You.

Chapter 7 : Daisy

Word Count: 1595    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

BU football team knows that I'm Noah's cousin and therefore off-limits. Most of the guys treat me like a lit

obably a freshman or transfer student. Behind my glasses, my eyes

d me. "I don't think we've be

The handshake is firm but not bone crushing. It's the perfect amount

ard my trusty sidekick

p and thrusts out her chest. Since it's fairly non-existent, it d

r smiles, revealing gorgeous white tee

via says, beatin

are covered by a pair of aviators much like Oliv

d it be to get t

on of times that it's not healthy to pine after someone who doesn't see you in the same light. I'm not trying to

ir, buff bod, and sunny good looks

myself. He's got that cute-boy vi

nner, I haven't seen you a

his muscles flex in the afterno

that he's not

b of focusing if I'm goi

r senior year of college. If he's in his third year, then the

re," he

"Where did you transfer from?" I ask, try



oes he look like a Califor

ence. Olivia just spent

nterest. "I love La Jolla.

lf on the back. He's from California. Olivia loves Ca

all the appropriate places and seems genuinely curious about what she's saying. His body is angled toward her, which is

d consider a career in matchmaking. I'm that good. Just as long as it

down the rest of my lemonade before rising. The cement burn

oing to grab a refill." My gaze bounces between the pair. Th

heir eyes off one another as they

w a quick look over my shoulder to make sure Tanner and Olivia are still hitting it off. Yup. They are. T

e is crawling with hard male bodies. Somehow, I just know who it is. Call it intuition.

, singeing my already heated flesh. A jolt of electricity zings through me, making the hair at the

ething I can help you with?" Because I'm irritated with myself


my skin dissipates in response to his snarky

, I'm cognizant of his perusal. My nipples harden in response. My cheeks heat at the dreaded headlight effect I'm

expect him to, he steps closer, invading

nothing happy abou

ke-back quality to our convers

ard shorts that sit low on his waist. The heat of his nearly naked body hits me in heavy, intoxicating waves. My body instantly responds t

't budge, I m

managed to hold onto my temper and nip this conversation in the bud

you're wear

, I whip around to face h

He pauses as his eyes coa

nce separating us. My face is scant i

ge and keep them firmly at my sides because I refuse to let him see that he's made me u

inger on m

way before I do

tice if I drown

o have been hanging

oward a bunch of guys in the water who are batting a beach b

give Carter another glower. "The only one checkin

ride enough, he finishes the job with,

ing left in my glass, I'd throw it at him. I suck in a calming breat

ying that for me," I bite out, turnin

s or burst into tears. And I don't want to do either of those things. I don't

inner strength to keep

s exactly

rter Pr


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