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Claiming What's Mine

Chapter 3 : Sofia

Word Count: 1149    |    Released on: 22/03/2023


nd. As my gaze collides with Franco’s, a big smile s


, no see,

ince we’ve seen each other. Franco and I grew up together, and we’ve been close friends ever since. He moved to New York after

e you do

He jerks his head toward the wing of the house where my father’s offic

Trying to lighten the heaviness permeating the

and snickers. “Sure, I’ll be run

his unexpected presence. Regardless of the re

eginning. We’re just two misfits who want to blaze our own trail in the world by choosing different paths for ourselves. Franco gradua

much. Which i

together while I’m in tow

st, wanting to nail somethin

ligations I have to take care of first. Maybe we c

with him gone. There aren’t many people I can be honest with. Franco is one of the few. Even

the tabloids regarding my family. Once that happens, you grow cautious as to who you allow into your inner circle. When you do happen to find some

l be just lik

s before he clears his throat. There’s no rational explana

you’ve disappeared to,” Roman

embrace, he stakes his claim by tightening his hold. The two men silentl

es Roman gl


I am i

and his dislike for me hasn’t diminished. It’s as if he

g eyes and tightens his hold. He must f

e it strikes at prey. I can’t imagine why he would lash out at Franco. They’re not even acquainted with one another

o Sofia,” Franco replies.

etches over every contour. His biceps bulge, muscles flexing with each movement. “Your father has grow

nying his father. His decision to distance himself from the family business has caused strife between th

trapped in a lifestyle he

e a glance. “I’ll call you later, and we’l

es shift from Roman to me as if he’s trying to figure out what’s going on between us. He squeez

teraction we’re about to have won’t be pleasant. It’s the why of the matter that eludes me. A


ything other than

e able t

n little knots with one hard-ed

fore. What a huge cosmic joke that the man who m

eing such a distrac

Confused by his reaction, I ask

son, and you’re gett

friends. We were j

ls. “I don’t think you know how

yself together after another disastrous conversation. But I can’t. No ma

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