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One night stand..

One night stand..


Chapter 1 :Gia

Word Count: 1614    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

opularity. Although, I suspect that has a lot to do with the cheap beer. Since it's not even half a mile away from Barnett University, and most of these people look young, my gu

se students cutting loose on a Saturday night. The pulsing beat practically reverberates off the walls. Eve

Harper's gaze never deviates from him. "It mus

panting after her baby brother. I scrunch my nose. "Ewwww! Yo

rde of overzealous females who are crowded around the band, looking as if they might rush the stage before the performance is over. "And I'm obviously not the only one

clap my hands over my ears before shaking my head. "That'

r the guitars and drums. The acoustics may be total crap in here, but he still sounds ridiculously

can I buy y



hing about the three of us that screams-trolling for dudes! Buy us a drin

hey keep a

t after

I keep forgetting this is a crappy bar with drunken c

ee-year relationship, I still wouldn't be interested

here to watch

king, like I've done four times previously, Harper


w tha

d that there's absolutely no obligation on our parts to do anything more than thank you po

e face. And yeah, he's definitely a cutie. But come on, he's much too young! He so boyi

ing in her ear and turning back to us. "This round is on me." He sends Harper a sly look and

en he'

s him disappear through the thick c

itress slants a dark, uninterested brow ou

e bar where the clientele barely looks to be the legal drinking age. We head downtown to th

e chardonnay or make specialty martinis. Everyone seem

en in Rom

of import and go back t

t. "As this groups' self-appointed ambassador, I shall graciously take it

e careful how you thank him, Harp. For

that I saw pe

h, don't worry. I'm planning to do a little recon

d. Sophie and I lock gazes from across the table before b

these guys are like babie

er gaze settles on mine. "Yeah," she drawls, "mo

y be young, but some of them are built. Not to mention rippe

finitely be

ty-year-old elementary school teacher takes


s is my eighth-year teaching second grade. I was fortunate enough to snag a job in this district straig

er, forming a tight trio. We eat lunch together and hang out quite a bit

practically see the sharks circling as we speak-I yell over the musi

fore glancing around. "Don't worry, I'm

back around before adding, "Remember-these guys are like the

ou worry too much, just go. I'

ar end of the bar. The crowd is packed in tight, and it takes a good five minut

r cleaned this

efore inhaling another breath. The s

the facilities. Unfortunately, there's no way I can hold it for anoth

nce I make it to the sink, I practically scrub the fingerprints off my han

esh-no, wait. It's definitely not fresh air, but it's a lot

it before attempting to step around him so I can make my way back to Sophie. Hopefully, Harper has returned to the table. She's only twenty-six, wh

ffy lawye

et again. This time, I glance at him. That's when I notice the smirk plastered ac

ide, he offers me

's meant

short b

ere, be

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