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King of Campus

Chapter 2 : Ivy

Word Count: 1529    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ng off his shirt...and yeah, it's definitely a majestic sight to behold. Is it possible that he's even more ri

rgotten that jet la

te description because my ass is literally dragging on the ground and it's only

hought makes m

ight here in the mid

either. I've been steadily pouring them down my throat since I pried open my blurry

s and I'm practically running clear across campus because I'm late. Why exactly did I think packing up m

lame me for. Because of that, I'd spent all of yesterday unpacking and organizing. Basically running around like a chicke

ssful, dead-to-

ing like I haven't

at the campus bookstore before they ran out which actually happened to me freshman year. Unfortunately, the line at the

nch of freaking procrasti

ne. I could have technically ordered them online. But I hadn't wanted to think about Barnett until absolutely forced

trying to hustle m

asses are sitting on the bridge of my nose, shielding my eyes from the overly harsh sunshine that I would be all but basking in on any other given day. My super-sized iced coffee is in one hand while my phone i

eptic state. My eyelids are on the verge of drooping when I crash into a hard body. Instinctively, I clutch my phone

ainly am now. My mouth falls open in shock and a fair amount of horror as I

ks of embarrassment set fire to my normally pale cheeks. "I'm so sorry." No


now, d

ontact. At this very moment, I'm desperately racking my brain for an exit strategy. Like sprinting away from the humiliating mess I

me, a deep voice rumbles, "I generally enj

his words slowly filter t

a min

he seriously

magining the i

head whips up as my wid

silence by the whole god-awful predicament playing out, that face would have done me in because the guy standing before me

. As I continue studying the unique hue of his eyes, I realize they hold a knowing smirk. I can't help but notice that his lashes ar

y gaze falls to his wide, strapping chest which is highlighted rather nicely by an

uy has any w

rust me, h

I can breathe through this whole ordeal. That's when I notice the huge brown stain marring that perfectly chisele

people jolt awake from in an icy cold sweat. Then, once they realize it's

s actually ha

it a thousan

t yet another lame apology, when I hear,

ead a bit of a shake. I'm hoping the movement will somehow jump start my brain into action. That's when I realize this little incident is drawing a

ly thing getting me

n up that drippy mess but it's the only thing I can think of. Other than running away and never seein

for dance class, a few hair bands (also for dance class), a pair of ballet shoes (yep, you guessed it-

ything except something

y about it,

ly taking this like a champ. If someone had spil

g an amazingly bare chest in its place. My mouth dries as my sunglass-hi




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