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Professional Family

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 774    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


ted a little kitten, a little kitten, he wasn't ready to adopt anyone or anything, he's

e public hospital, a small thing was hospitalized in, prematurely shifting

ys when Jace decided to specialize in Neko, he moved to another state to a hospital specialized in those creatures. Jace could use a night with a friend, he desp

th," Jace tried talking to his kitten who was busy crying in her seat, she woke

e eyes, her white hair with matching ears and tail. They were almost over his friend place, he makes sure to visit him and his wife at least once a

d the car, and got out, he got the kitten diaper bag on his shoulder, the bottle of champagne he bought his friends to celebrate the littles. Finally,

Matheo voice broke t

?" Jace answers turning b

le kitten up in his arms, putting one hand und

t like he did back in university, dark hair, pale skin,

ng to bounce the little kitten a bit, b

holding her," Jac

says walking back inside

me, he threw all of the bags next to the door,

l?" he asks excitedly a

out that her little is really shy, especially around new people. Once she knew a friend was coming over, she went into hiding mo

head, handing Mollis back, and going to search for Emily. She had moved from under the bed to a

ce and his kitten Mollis," Matheo introdu

rying anymore. Callina had to admit, she was interested in the little white cat, but she's just a mommy, she didn

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