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Caged By My Alpha

Chapter 7 07

Word Count: 1245    |    Released on: 03/02/2024


he gave that expensive scarf away. I could’ve returned it to him during school hours but we had different classes and he told me during lunch to return the scarf to him after scho

from a distance and waved at

sked her. We hadn’t planned on going hom

e told me to give you this,” She gave me a small

smile that crept onto my face at the thought of him. The though

g at me in such a creepy manner. He had scared the hell out of me and when Nico noticed, he hugged me for a few

I asked her.

after. When I asked him where he was going, h

im when you see him later. I have to hurry home, I’m so sorry,” I apologized quickly and increased my pace.

sten or stop until I heard her scream. I turned back immediately to see th

the car at the same time. I bent down to her le

p and turned to the car. “You should learn how to drive from a baby because it seems t

r and not only was it familiar but it was the same car I saw th

I quickly pulled her back, stopping her from getting us killed at such a young

aige grabbed hold of my hand. “Did I just

d. I was also as scared as she was

nny,” I swallowed hard as cold sweat graced my forehead. I tried to say I was on my way home but I hiccupped instead

d back at Paige, she was giving me an apologetic look. I was so close to tears that I had to bite down on my lip to stop

at I was holding as soon as he got into the car

g,” I r

y about a bottle of medicine. It was nothing, just a harmless bottle. He grabbed hold of my hand, collected the bottle from me, and threw it out of th

t was raging inside of me. How could he do that? It was just a bottle, ho

tion. “You have no damn right to smile at any guy, look twice at them or even walk wit

elled back

ery day of your life should be an atonement for what your father did. You have no right to date or marry any

was an atonement for my father’s sin but never has he elaborated this much.

could knock him out with an iron rod, tie him up, punish him and mak

mate but I didn’t care. I hate him more than anything now. I hate

rough the window, scared for my future. I wipe

sighed and said nothing wh

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