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The Marriage Contract (a one night stand)

Chapter 2 The betrayal

Word Count: 1296    |    Released on: 10/04/2023


he second time when I got n

voice say. And why does t

r a female's voice?? I

and my fiance on the same bed! Daniel was tying a towel around his waist, leaving his chest bare, while my

…happening her

exchanged glance

l??" I

d, staring at bot

suddenly a sharp, hot and painful burn deep down inside me. I shook my head

t my boyfriend and fiance,

nded like bom

could barely move my legs, afraid that if

ce?" I asked. She gave

lking about since? The fiance you told us you

ed out and flicked h

atch up so fast, dear sis" sh

at her. I won't believe anything

s this tru

prayed silently. My heart began palp

hair with his fingers. He looks

explain…" he was sayin

e, my vision was clouded with unshed tears threatening to fall any moment from now. He sto

nt to explain D

on but I didn't know how to do it. I didn

y heart was filled with pain and anguish

y own sister ha

you invited me over here while you both

Daniel was wasting so much time to tell you the truth, I couldn

od. What did I ever do to you to make

st look at me, I'm beautiful, smart, attractive and you're just a ugly duckling with an unatt

Sandra's words stabbed me hard in the chest. A

we've been dating for three years now. How could you cheat on me w

lle, but I love S

asked an

n I am? I thought you loved me the way I am. You professed and confessed your love to me. You told me I wa

oon? What about me?" I said. I allowed the

is mine now. I love him and

ith Sandra,"

lt before him, crying bitterl

till love you. You can't leave me" I pleaded ear

please. You're my everything, I love you so much. You can't do

legs from my strong hol

ame Anna" San

a man? Do you think he'll come back to you after that? You must be a joker

sorry" Daniel kept muttering. H

leave now, An

please" I

ht. Leave now, lea

the security to come throw you out?" She threat

worsen. I'm a public figure and I don't w

a said and walked to the door. She opene

ut! Leave!"

el one last look, he looked away avoiding my eyes. We

r was watching me. While in my car, I let everything out. The pain, anguish, sorrow, hurt. My heart has


of my parents home. My phone rang again and it was Laura. She's been calling me repeatedly. I'm sure

d but that will wait later. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyon

and sort things out between us. They've always support

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