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Fated To My Sister's Widowed Mate

Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 1197    |    Released on: 14/04/2023

er brought it all crashing back tenfold. Yet, he was furious with his mate for killing herself. Doc said it was part of the grief process, but Kiran hated himse

t I thought and send her packing. Things could get out of hand if she hangs around

a twinge of need wreaked havoc with his feelings, and

and shut. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Tom taking g

ffect and break into Kiran’s house to search for clues about Lena’s death

led with way too much interest. She headed for the Hastings Bed and Breakfast, fi

d her, standing so close that the heat of his body r

’s,” she

I heard you speak. You sure shook Kiran up. But he neede

caught her ear, and she whipped her head around. In a heartbeat, she wished she’d brought her gun in he

her arm. “Wait,

h concern. He’d heard it, too.

ter,” he warned,

m yelled and shoved Lisa behind him, but collap

ve him, but he was dead weight as he slipped to the asphalt, passed out

eren’t wearing such a scowl. His scruffy black beard, unkempt hair, and rumpled clothes made it appear he’d been living on the r

un at her. Silver

Her heart racing, she tr

from this distance. If she dashed for the inn, he might shoot Mrs. Hastings, or the

wolf form like she suspected, his wicked canines could take care of the menac

could think of to rouse help for Tom and mayb

bullets ripped into her chest, throwing her against the brick building, and she nearly collapsed. At first, no pain registered as sh

t, her thought processes threatened to shut dow

d get help for Tom. She’d give the shooter a real run for his blood money. Thank god the bullets did

ll!” Her assai

e could feel the hot blood seeping from the wounds. Every second

If ever she had to push h

s making, she again assumed he was human. Good. He couldn’t see the trail of blood she was leaving, nor could he smell her scent. Then again, the breeze was shifting s

ord, because her senses

the firs, just her heavy breathing and the blood roaring in her ears. Her eyes blurr

er glasses next. A branch scraped off one earring, then the other. Her hair tangled on every branch in her path, yanking at her scalp, the branches and twigs giv

for the attempted murderer. Then her back struck something rock hard, unforgiving, mas

er as her night vision an

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