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The Wars Within

Chapter 4 The One in the Shadows

Word Count: 2449    |    Released on: 16/04/2023

rough these buildings more times than I could count, and I sometimes find something new but that is rare. Not many people stay in the Citadel because the radiation is still high in some par

om. Since it is people that have been affected by the radiation, they morph into a toxic creature that is almost half dead in a sense. They are not hard to kill, but they do at

rn around, look down at the streets, and see no one. I graze my hand over my gun in the holster and look around cautiously. I look up at the building

the building and ran up the steps after them. I get to the floor they were on, and I can see the footprints that led to the direction they headed. Following them, I found mysel

h-brown, and he had dark hair and a short beard. I could see on his arms that

was deep, yet soothing. "I've been watching y

heard that term used for the me

nd the bodies that were still out there. I turn around and he walks over to me slowly. I c

the streets. I see him give a side smile and I release my tension. He looked at me confused about m

oser." he smirks. I gave him a

ems to know how to take care of himself, so I am no

you killed the man on top of you before I could." He whips his gun around to give me

got it managed." I tried to s

from what I have seen amount other people." he says and

, right?" I say, a little annoyed. He looks

full of radiation." he says, spre

into a mutant or something." I say

I haven't heard of." H

the term 'Raider'." He

e is called, or that's what t

had a whole tribe.

you fought. They kill innocent people and take heads as trophies. They are no

re city filled with them." He looks at me confused and I know why. "Citade

e used to go over the Missouri River." he exclaims. I look at him puzzled. I never knew much about the wars and the bombs or w

ff." I was learning some with my father when I was yo

verything." I looked around and followed the land where the water used to flow here and tried to

ken care of so if you don't mind, I need to head out now and find anyone else

n here a few days and swept through the whole city. Th

rugged and walked over to me. I could see his face closer here an

king me up and down. "So, I guess you don't need that hazmat either

having sex with you." I say as

says, and I look over my s

alking. " I guess it's t

me night. It’s dangerous when it's dark out." he says. I

me. I made sure to train and push myself to be able to survive on my own. Not to men

over you. We can get to know each other. Two warriors who are trying to save the world kind of crap." he ex

you." I made a point. After the almost

" he said wi

interesting; I


e was assuring to keep his distance from me ever since I told him we were not sleeping together. I study him and his body closely. He had tattoos down b

turned to him. He was looking into

se." I told him and he nodded. "What about you?" I ask him and h

ce to place. It is better that I stay alone,"

where until I found the town with Rogue, and we built it into what it is." I told

I regret saying his name. I l

on me. His look is calm, steady, and willing to listen. "I was abused growing up. I was the eldest of five and was blamed for my father's death. I had to get out of that si

and investigates the fire again. I study hi

el safe." He is tense but he calms as he looks at me. I stare into his eyes, and I can feel myself blush and feel a rush of bu

his lips. "I'm better off alone. I have been sin

to him, and I move closer to him. He

ed. I stood up quickly and began taking off the suit. As I do, I can feel him watching closely and watching

tes, and I blush again. The fuck

earing a ripped t-shirt that seems too small because you can see all his

nd me. I turn to look up at him and he looks back. I lean in and me

oftly and chuckled a little. He wraps his arms arou

e horizon and I still have my head on Ace's leg. I loo

says softly. I sit

idn't get any sleep?

would keep watch over you." He smiles

I get up and get my

o me, and I look over to him, stopping wha

. I look at him and I smile and give him a nod of acce

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