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Word Count: 1058    |    Released on: 19/04/2023



” Quetzal asked and I considered telling

secret.” I said and she folded

n’t it?” She asked an

It’s actually in my

r shoes, so I got it.” She

ave completely won the fight, but you’re getting there and I will be with you every step of the way. I will cheer you on during your presentation even if you freeze up and forget your lines. I will take a fro

n’t know what I would do without you.”

d out what being without me is like.” I said as I

for you, for us.” She said as

ars that rolle

n. Let’s just hold on a little lon

e cream.” She said with a small smile. That was her

d, princess.” I said an

ld endure everything life threw at me no matter what

take a shower and change. I’ll help you put on conc

the pizza place a few blocks away. We hadn’t had pizza in months and ice cream for almost a whole year. They

on the grass opposite each other and set our food between us. We talked and laughed

ks the door and hides in the small compartment I built inside our room, I was always terrified to leave her here with him. My night shift was in a bar and I couldn’t

and come for you, Quetzy. Stay in here no

ppened to her but leaving her almost brought me to tears every single day. May

about me, worry about yourself.” S

ve to. Do not hesitate. I love you.” I kissed her cheek and


outfit for the night. Normally I was mandated to wear a short skirt and really tight top, but sometimes we had to wear special outfits, nights like tonight.

onths. You’ve done so for years, a few more months is a piece of

tically naked. I stepped to the main floor where I was stationed to start working. The earlier I finished my shift the sooner I could

ce now.” He shouted so I could hear him over the lou

a problem?” I

liver a message and I have. See

hallway that would take me to the manager’s

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