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Crazy House Help

Chapter 4 I Can't Wait For Tomorrow.

Word Count: 1319    |    Released on: 20/05/2023

azy House




yan, I felt a glitch in my heart as the tho

ould happen to me and I can’t just wa

ally needs to see him and talk to him, who kn

stop s

ure which was so stunning that I wo

still sleepi

pened and Clara walke

e?..did he call my name in it??..” I k

ger sings!” She state


seen in stage for some time now, it has been long he dropped a new song…do

riend Anna and they broke up!” S

amed in happiness as I

!!” I exclaimed and grabbed Bryan

She asked and

ve with him..” I said

ou are being happy like he proposed to you..”

can’t just think straigh

s I have

ea that you are poor??” She q

you both match in anyway?..he would hate you the moment he sees y

I would be his girlfriend, I would repla

everyone are really stunned..you can’t believe that he is rarely seen around..he does

?.. What happe

roke up with him and start up a new rela

him..” I said

ble to see him all through y

t possi

ow right?” She asked and I smiled a

et to always gist me!” Sh

go in, he was outside, he is very hot and handsome..well, after telling me

s the m

f not that I

h I love this guy..he is jus

d like the Bryan you would meet!” She

up with his girlfriend which means he

ng and drawing silly conclusions

atch an


as usual Bryan’s seat was

er is really making ou


doing all this in secret coolval stories, it ju

with the eyes of some

ing and calm!!” So

tle look!!” Ano

before burying my

ind drifted to


message..is sh

n covering her face


type is needed in Bryan’s life..she may be abl

she may

really destroyi

on hold, the company

t and now he is becoming a

want to move

ck..why can’t he accep

yan walked in




that his real eyes..w

please lo

a!!..you are m

as everyone especially the ladies

nily but he stil

t, you came to

d his hand over his hair in frustration as he

nting.. Some had their ey

ask you for a fa

.my ears are itch

holarship, I can’t take in those trashcans

evoke now that

led and moved his hand

ed out staying with the stu

ship into this class, find another place for them.

annoyed at the

ow it goes bu

bout all that??…can you stop all this your attitude!!!.. She i


isn’t even looking at me, all her attention is in him, very so

ve loved me but didn’t took

t Sophia who wasn’t

e for nothing, not

everything about you..her name is Rose and she says I should

the mention of that name.. Rose!!.. R

s, I felt the u



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