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Mafia Love Scandal

Chapter 4 Another Girl

Word Count: 1854    |    Released on: 14/05/2023

oed man headed straight to the dining room. There, Hans and Veronica were al

" The woman greeted warmly, delibera

ivan asked while returning the

ngling herself from the embrace. "I

nother chair and intentional

few days and didn't have time to rea

she needed to be patient rather than demanding. Besides, being the eldest child of the Maximilian family, Kaivan was the type of guy

t's why I took the initiative to come h

shook h

woman like you pays me a visit?" This time, he lea

e I missed

All eyes turned toward her, especially Veronica, who was surprised

d intentionally. "Even though you know that

g a sharp look at Kaivan, signalin

e reached for Veronica's wrist, asking her to calm down. Th

want to get

asing glance from the woman named Anna Maria. She seemed indifferent,

Maria, Kaivan's fiancée and the w

ivan's child?" she repeated, then turned her g

g, he turned his fa

a, irritated, decided to stand up. She reached for her bag,

his face. Anne, on the other hand, seemed unbothered. With a smile, she

njoying an American Sandwich while wa


m on your side, Anne. I'm glad

ised an


is drink, the t

ca. I know the real reason that woman is getting close to

ed unders

I s

ded in a

th Kaivan's child. So that Veron

aning. It's unclear what she was thi


n? Especially when you've always reje

brought the woman into his workspace. She couldn't accept the fact that

g. It's not what you're imagin

? I even heard for myself that the woman is pre

fice chair. Holding her wrist, he attempted to provide an explanat

ven know who Anna Maria was before. Whether that woman is pregnant with my

to be carrying your chil


r not. Hans is still investigating it. So please, don't speculate. Because I mys

Why did you have to let her stay

shook h

. I just don't want her to leak this issue to the media. Which

it wouldn't mean anything. Kaivan was indeed going through a diffic

nd this. But I warn you, never

shook h

ght now, you're the o

e wrapped both her hands around Kaivan's neck. Pulling his

, the office door was knocked. Hans e

dn't take him long to realize that Kaivan and Veronica were engaged in a

e Veronica, who appeared annoyed by H

ter le

tried to apologize. "I

irritated expression, she st

d, immediately took a seat on t

about your future wife. The f

hearing those words. "My world would en


lds, Kai. Who knows, you might e

accept it. The aura of hatred was clearly evi

British investigator working for the secret intelligence agency of the United Kingdom, commonly known as MI6. Her mother, a woman of English and Taiwanese descent, worked as a music teacher an

ns?" Kaivan asked. He seemed dissatisfie

and moved closer to Kaivan. "This piece of i


lved with a dangero

aback by the information


abducted by a mafia group. He wasn't killed, but returned to his family in

. "So what's the connection to Anna M

iorgino. His whereabouts are still unknown after he received a secret assignment. It's unclear whether he was kidnapped by the mafia group or if he's in hiding, or the worst-case scen

ughout his involvement in the business world, Kaivan's life had been threatened several times due to dealings with vario

e come to me?"

explained in detail since Kaivan couldn't deduce the news he had brought. "It's

nuinely needed my help, why set me up? She could have asked for help honestly a


p in order to get your protection, and second, she really is pregnant with

aimed in frustration. "Why

gged his

my suggestion is to play along for now. Meanwhile, I'l

, reaching for Hans'

cover all of this quickly. I don't want

upted from

oman you've been inte

n't stand her annoying attitude. P

at. "I'll keep investigating. I'll provide yo

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1 Chapter 1 One Night Stand2 Chapter 2 Living together3 Chapter 3 Do or Nothing4 Chapter 4 Another Girl5 Chapter 5 Miss A thing6 Chapter 6 Annoying7 Chapter 7 Thunderstorm8 Chapter 8 Protect By Mafia9 Chapter 9 Decision10 Chapter 10 Marry You11 Chapter 11 11. Wedding Preparation12 Chapter 12 12. Curious13 Chapter 13 13. Beautiful In White14 Chapter 14 14. Promise Me15 Chapter 15 15. Affairs16 Chapter 16 16. Investigate17 Chapter 17 17. Sleep Together 18 Chapter 18 18. Thunderstorm19 Chapter 19 19. She's My Wife20 Chapter 20 20. Unexpected21 Chapter 21 21. Damn It!22 Chapter 22 22. Sleep With You23 Chapter 23 23. Take Care of Yourself24 Chapter 24 24. Don't Play With Me25 Chapter 25 25. Still Virgin 26 Chapter 26 26. The Truth27 Chapter 27 27. Love You, Anna28 Chapter 28 28. Regret29 Chapter 29 29. Lovey Dovey30 Chapter 30 30. The Apple of My eye31 Chapter 31 31. Intimate32 Chapter 32 32. Never separate Us (1)33 Chapter 33 33. Never Separate Us (2)34 Chapter 34 34. What Should I do 35 Chapter 35 35. Who Will Help 36 Chapter 36 36. Leave You37 Chapter 37 37. Battle With Mafia38 Chapter 38 38. Brother In-Law39 Chapter 39 39. Devise a Strategy40 Chapter 40 40. Compromise41 Chapter 41 41. Night Attack42 Chapter 42 42. WAR43 Chapter 43 43. Final Attack44 Chapter 44 44. Reduce to Tears45 Chapter 45 45. Far Away46 Chapter 46 46. Go to Pieces47 Chapter 47 47. Miss You Badly (1)48 Chapter 48 48. Miss You Badly (2)49 Chapter 49 49. Wanna Be With You50 Chapter 50 50. Nonsense51 Chapter 51 51. Great to see You52 Chapter 52 52. I Beg You Stay by My Side53 Chapter 53 53. Fake Frienshit54 Chapter 54 54. Mini War55 Chapter 55 55. Be Good father and Husband56 Chapter 56 56. Best gift Ever57 Chapter 57 57. Be With You58 Chapter 58 58. Together59 Chapter 59 59. Snow White60 Chapter 60 60. END