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Word Count: 1560    |    Released on: 14/05/2023


ay m



ting late "the familiar

om without my permission ," I said with sleepy

happened last night came rushing into my head ,I felt my legs with

ou passed out on the floor ,figured out it might have been another migr

rom her. She handed me a glass of wate

e to get up from that bed and hurry into the bathroom. You are run

to be my grandmother ,just fuck off already ,I said in a harsh t

t ,she just doesn't get offended in the least , especially when it's me ,bu

eady been set ,but I never used it, instead I used

and saw ,already set cl

, Danielle that old fucking timer ,she just knows

immediately and picked up

ed , ugly as always ,I dashed a little bit

e stairs of the

r but— "Miguel you forgot your lunch again , Dani

said wanting to walk past

y's study , don't you want to see him ,she said and I remember that bastards and the

instantly "Miguel don'

ed out of the sitting room ,I tried to rush out of this freaking room ,but no!!! Than

teeths together in annoyance ,mos

ams, Good morning si

n Garry ,he had really smooth skin and a well structured face ,the rest of his body was cover

ated that place ,did you hit your head last night princess ," he said in a

late for classes ," I said and t

yelled, making m

bastard ,get that int

n !!! M

ou to go get it ," I said and smirked at the expression they both

e shouted in

el !!! I y

,she's the one you will be guarding ,he said with an innocent

o me and outstretched his hand for what the Fuck do I t

ess brats are pretty easy for me to handle ,A really deep

them , because there's clearly none here ,I sai

house. My driver was already waiting for me ,so I ho


ometimes.Mr Addams apologized and I nodded.I wasn't offended


s s

to the duplex ,he will be

with me ," the old lady ges

d duplex stood in all glory.I must say this man is really wealthy ,there were two other bu

he's just having a rough morning ,"

ually don't care ," I r

round . It was quite spacious ,a sitting room filled wit

ned mission , maybe I should have done an interview first , because this is

like the s


e kitchen and of course here in the sitting room ,feel free to use them ,the maids will attend to you

e left , and pulled out my

l across my mo

you called your mother ,she ranted

sorry ,I got caught up with wor

n are you going to give me grandchildren,your dad

are very fine ,so I will hang up now ,I got some work to do

rriage ,nor children ,poor woman she's only going to hope in vain ,

like you to start as soon as possible , meaning Now ,this is Lovelyn's college address ,I want you to

d in the address to my car's map , following the direction it brou

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