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Chapter 5 DEAL(II)

Word Count: 1728    |    Released on: 08/06/2023

in going through the docume

and she rolled her

ll agree to your deal?"

no choice. But then we can still get what we want in this Marriage within a

ince it's going to be an agreement of both parties, I sure have a right to changing the terms and condition

fool.." Sh

third term that says we won't share a

Miley e

t you can't d

term can't work. We have to

t doesn't mean any

u don't want it, we can stop

's fine.." She smi

out each other's personal lives and we won't fulfil o

ke crying at

jerk saying?"

tanding anything" Sh

fulfil our responsibilities toward each othe

's just for a yea

ed and looked up at her, her he

is, you will always give me a night massage

led while Ryan looked up at

onsider it a part of your duties a

hen he was finally close to her, he leaned

t a d

d a smile

" She said and

ondition.." She said a

Saturday.." She blurted


wait? Let's just get married this saturday. And if

Ryan cu

legal. I'm going to have my lawyer do

it to him. He sighed and took

to legalise the deal.." H

t's get married on saturday. We will announce at the press

then she smirked and t

bag and broug

giving to Ryan who

e asked staring

need to prove we are really dati

He said and Miley smirked. She smiled

fulfilling your responsibilities. Start by this.." She

lar. He raised the t - shirt and scoffed w

ad out and scrunched

id again and then dr

t to Miley a


ery different fro

shirt and a Jean trouser, she also wore a jacket. Kelly came

e you and Ryan

nd you pretended to be drunk

rue, how did

iately step

aid and two more cars drove in and stopped. Immediately the car's door op

e was wearing a black jacket and a blue denim with sneakers to match. The reporter

Kelly as they

ill work?" Kelly ask

Ryan coming in and she scoffed when she

e couldn't even wear the t - shirt?

g married to the nation's treasu

dsome.." Miley said and clenched her fists when sh

." She seet

nd Miley nodded, her eyes still fixed on Ryan who was now seating on

s him. He looked at her and to

d anything

r the t - shirt

stioned, Miss Cryus!" R

huh? I have a name and that's Miley.

a t - shirt?" Ryan asked, he almost c

uld fulfil our responsibilities we have for each other, so

grabbed her wrist and she fe

process what was happening, he grabbed by her waist and

he cameraman started his work immediately. Even the in

even getting romantic

d her hand to his chest to push him

e you doing?"

said trying to get away from

ed hed hand. She sighed in relief and then he gave her neck a slight ki

ked expression on her. That wa

hen removed his jacket revealing the t - sh

She thought. He turned to her

oying with me


vince them that they had been dating secretly for a long t

r was still lingering in her head. What she doesn't understand is why he did that. She was still lost

and answere

How are you?' Mile

must say you are really lucky. You are getting married to the nation's treas

o marry that arrogant dude but thankfully

back home?" Miley care

. I'll be back.." Whitn

you t

e yo


rew the phone on the c

d stared at the picture she was holding. It was a picture of her and Miley. She squeez

led tomorrow, Sis. Watch

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