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Bound To Him

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 1096    |    Released on: 14/06/2023

affectionately, then

hands aroun

her warmth, it was the strangest but best feeling ever, they danced in each

o, I need

ropped as he watc

cars parked on every angle. A waiter stepped out to pic

with glasses and wearing a brown wig to match the waiter's hair co

coming in now?"

ir" Soni

ay immediatel

sses filled with wine as sh

ing for Almano untill she

ou to accept my proposal, Mr


lass but just when he was about to drink it, he wa

ologized. He had now lost all ch

using the man to shiver. Walking slowly behind

t someone's presence behind him. Slowly turning back, a

o his chest as he stared at the young

die mostly by his enemy’s hand but not once did

off her wig

member me?”

of kids to orphans by a killing their parents and he ha

, you killed my father righ

r as he was slowly

er but you dared to come back

u for what you had done, it may have taken me ye

ed in his ears, "Don't worry

on, he had brought up a devil who was untouchable, the only reason she could get to him was beca

reats for granted so she fired another s

mped out the window. Alberto walked in and fo

lizing a gunshot to his head and

oooo” he

en he saw Almano in his arms, Alberto's eyes

e down, no one

d through the fence bef

e ceiling standing right at the balcony of the hall,

guards had blocked every entr

ts were searched for any illegal weapon, irre

hat someone he cared the most fo

bout 4hrs, they found nothing

dn't find any

ference, he knew someone from among them had killed his father

oned with him. The guests were frightened by what was g

the CCTV of today in m

t a cigarette, allowing th

d dropped the CCTV o

ter push a middle aged man to spill drink on Almano, the outline of the waiter

owed Almano within a 30cm rad

't see what happened next beca

waiters to be brought

's killer, his anger scared most of the guards as th

he picked up a picture frame " I will find that person

thought came to him on How did

en he remembered a few hours ago someone had snea

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