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Chapter 4 strictly professional 4

Word Count: 1017    |    Released on: 17/06/2023

id and the girl blushed slightly." Seriously? I asked Scarlett who gave me the calm down sign.How was I supposed to calm down? When mom just said we where waiting patiently for this ...Ara. ... A

even the kind of woman I would date , she had her eyes on me the entire dinner .Women Always have their eyes on you " my mind mocked and I looked away with a frown on my face .Getting to our club house ,I noticed Their cars packed outside." Hey Delgado " Pierre raised his glass with a smirk in my direction." And the groom arrives " Adonis said smirking as he lit a ciggerrate." I'm no groom ,stop teasing me you're getting on my nerves" I said and the Greek Billionaire laughed at my expense." Remind me why I'm friends with the both of you again ? I said as I sat down on my chair ." Well because we can tolerate your sorry A*s" Pierre said and walked over to me ." How'd go ? You finally liked the girl they brought this time around ? He asked with concern." Don't start with me , of cause I didn't. She's a Victoria secrets Angel ..." I said immediately." What's wrong with her being a Victoria's secret Angel ? Adonis asked ." I'm done with women " I said and they stared at me in shock while Pierre gasped .'" take that back mate ,how can you be done with women ....c'mon " he said dramatically." So you're into men now ? Please don't fall inlove with me I can't do without p*ssy " he said and Adonis rolled his eyes." Stop being dramatic" I said and he smirked ." So what are you gonna do now ,speak now . I understand you're gay Adonis and I are willing to help .. " he trailed ." Pierre " Adonis and I said in unison and he stared at us ." See why I said people don't value their destiny helpers when they are right in front of them " he

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