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Replacement Twin For Billionaire

Chapter 5 Attempt To Escape

Word Count: 1543    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

the room, she grabbed her stom

e me food?" she

o the room and locked the door. Even the food at lunc

t shot me, so I can't feel more suffering." She stood up an

e to

use he wasn't the one who brought her to the kitchen earlie

I didn't come here for lunch. I was the one who was ordered to

led a little

I'm sure the boss i

called her, ma'am: "Who is Stephanie that the man was talking about last night, and what

d it looked delicious, unlike this morning. She sat on the chair an

od on the table. What she did was just wash the plate and utensils and then wait for the man to come back. But after a f

if only two people are living there. The wall paint is

roached it with nervousness in her chest and looked around. She also saw that the gate was open, even though it was far

"Idiot! The woman has escaped. Hurry up!" Many people appeared from behind the house. All

d just finished eating. There are times when she stops for a while to rest, but it shouldn't last long because they wi

on the road, a car was just turning towards her. She sat d

of the car came out and rushed to her, but when Sa

ed and his face became serious. "Do you think you can e

her is worried!" Tears fell from her

don't want to, please...please! Let me go." Sandy's eyes are fu

ing, and it hurt. He reached for her again, but she didn't expect what he did—she received a hard hit to the stomach, so her whole body went weak because of the pai

et hurt before

e car, and before starting

Don't make the mistake of saying why he escaped if you don't answer me. Now, which one of you

oss. I'm the one assigned to watch over Ma'am today. I just went out to th

e her to the kitchen to eat, but what happened? She almost escaped ag

, Mendez; the sun will never shine on you again." He walked back to the car

s men standing, but they also

e second floor and her bedroom. Even before he laid Sandy on the bed, she re

l to the floor but immediately stood up, p

ing Brix's clothes and punching his bod

ck and slapped her, causing her face to turn to the left. She

o. Why are you angry at me? I told you I am Sandy, and you just got the wrong person." She stopped

ou left me because you conspired with your father to bring me down." Brix's tears escaped slightly, but his face remained serious. "So don't plan to use another identity just to

ng to. "Trust me, I'm not Stephanie. Maybe we just have a resemblance

Brix walked out and closed the door, whic

pain now. It was her first time experiencing this. She lay down and twisted

d wine into a glass while looking out the window. You can see th

maybe Sandy just went to another place and didn't tell her mother about it, but in Elizabeth's mind, her daughter wouldn't

food for Sandy's mother

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