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Taming His Vengeful Dragon Luna

Chapter 4 A Mythical Creature That Breathe Fire

Word Count: 1130    |    Released on: 20/06/2023


oss behind her. She heard wings flapping

lpha, rejected her. You know what

meone he loves?" The goddess asked.

des that, that brat doesn't love

sn't over yet" sh

rejection, it's over. Now, it's time for the

thing now" the mo

turned, shifting back

happened. She cursed inside her mind. She

she act

her. Besides , you're lucky that she's fro

glare, taking a second

in and a slav

if you haven't gotte

d her and she acce

he bottle of whi

If this is how you want to be Alp

ed back on the sofa.

want me to do

er. Talk

a of this pack" he growled angrily, hitt

Gerald sighed and sprung up. He staggered as he walked

o knock and go inside but, he can't. What if she gets ups

other's scent. He hurriedly hid himself

here this late?" A

in her red short gown. His body reacted. But, he watched

ushed to the door to help her but inst

, you're drun

ed you from being my mate. But,

attered. He never thought that Dap

ion, my king. There's nothing w

can do about that. First of all, w

Daphne's soft voice. She was trying to avoid Gerald from touching her but...


room, unexpected. He saw he

ey" he sa

d, without taking he

? When is the crowning cerem

k closed. She raised her he

They think I'm a total stranger. No one even k

en, when I gave your sister to the

u even spoken to her since y

how she's doing" he

n with the king. Then, I'll beco

in your precious skin" he said, touching her hair.

n the door. He sighed deeply, remembering Daphne. How her mother left her with him and left. He

s, hunting, when a lady ran to him. He shifted back to

e her" she sai

ou? Why ar

s from far. He didn't know if he should run. His head j

w he got Daph

d the bed, yawning, till his lips touched something hard. He moved his l

lept with the girl he wanted. He stretched his hand, wanting to touch t

ang came. It was

ice. He took his robe and walked to

straight into the room. He saw as Daphne turned, exposing

erald snapp

e problem?"

m. Half of the city wa

looking surprised and angry. His tenure hasn't b

ttack from any Pack. The people

ed, wearing a question

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