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Chapter 2 MASKED

Word Count: 1015    |    Released on: 25/06/2023

Do-Hyun took the less busy streets of the city rather th

to the crime scene on time if they were to gather enough evid

the police forces, forensics, crime investigators

nd headlines on the news. The press seems to be the fastest ent

ea to prevent any of the people and the Press from getting any

lung off the car. In the distance, one of the you

or any evidence or place which might have been in the blind when they were securing the

rime scene investigations. Being present and focused allowed her to look for

pdated them just when they closed up on him. “ He was last

andolph Edwards was a skilled SWAT member who was ushered to join their team last year

ey on the muddy ground. Do-Hyun momentarily took shots of every turn a

hed face, and a few broken bones,” Livvy mentio

ted. “ This looks more like a kidnap and murder case...

l point of any investigation that translates the research questions into medication.

a vacation trip?... That wouldn't be suspicious. ” Do-Hyun analyzed. “ So they furthered

en that.” Pandy acknowledged, noting down a few more t

as they headed back to their car. “ We should first s

mprobable, must be the truth.” Livvy quoted Sherlock Holmes. Just when

– about 5 meters away from the secured area. She'd found

clicking a few shots immediately. “ We might be

st be it?” Livvy quer

e directly said. ” As if in an impulse,

Livvy and Pandy chorus which ma

e lab while you go visit Mr. Fredrick's home~ see if we can get something over

and Randolph headed off to his car with the sealed watch and

as their car rolled past them into

attention. Pandy had actually had the feeling ever since they got there but then, she thought it migh

g–someone was keeping an eye on them. Is

ut then, found no one. It seems to be coming from one of the trees in the dista

t be?” She se

r Pandy had hopped in but then, he noticed her attention hooked on something in

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