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Chapter 2 Chap

Word Count: 1085    |    Released on: 05/07/2023

. Sometimes I think she should take it easy on the work, but whenever I try to talk to her about it, she just says it'

ng, I remember what Sarah told me earlier, about how I don't need to print my sexuality in a newspaper, but I also don't need to be cry

me repeatedly by message, create an account and start messing around on it looking for something interesting. After an hour and seeing that most

g into

ed in a school close to mine and was my age (17 years old). After a while in a fight against myself, I decided to take courage and send some m

my eyes when I saw that it was him sending me a messa

u? You are the boy from

ake a deep breath as if search

s me yes, a

me I didn't hurt you whe

m sorry abo

rty. I'm even more concerned about the f

y school. I think they're homophobic or something,

to fight, but at least I k

at, but I still need to learn

h, I'll remember

ay. Soon after he told me that as soon as he left the school, those "assholes", that neither he nor I bothered to memorize, started to tease him and after Danny answere

with him on my cell phone

at least I didn't see any

need to run again today, let me know

what an asshol

e to go to class,

ee you lat

standing behind me with a bastard smile on her face. I slam my locker

le smile looking at your cel

er to do than read my messages

u used the website

ssip lady

he started jumping up and down and celebrating like cra

ss? This will only make it easier to hav

stranded friend is fl

lirting, ju

guys ever seen each other in

l you everything. Jus

mused by the whole story and after almost peeing herself from laughing so hard she starts talking nonsense like "it can only be something predestined, he literally fell in

was to see how this story would end, I go to

l this coincidence is the universe telling me "Oh shit, there's your crumb. And don't ask me for anything else, okay?", an

mile, soon after she tells me to take a shower and come

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