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Author: RosyKosy


Word Count: 2051    |    Released on: 07/07/2023


every other night, her dreamland is interrupted. It p

, she could tell from the thickness of the

lution caused by her pare

ul night's rest has always been her wishlist bu


he living room below got her fr

at it

. His screaming the calm night into wary isn't a string on Susan

away f

g to beat her up again even as he knows she can barely sta

ight is one. Her shivers are there even when she holds th

and she hopes her mother would stop being scared of Father

er pleas won't stop Father from hitting

the fuvk did you do

efully save her mother. Mother has warned her to stay in her room whenever s

hes. She needs not to know what her mother did. At

into a fearless ten-year-old girl. She never wants to be in that

on the center table, Mother pleaded with Father in a whisp

iving room newly designed with broken bottles and of course, the two vases on the cen

r. She is neither crying nor screaming, her moans, are faint and her pale reddish face tells s

s under her feet. The broken objects in the room pierced her

er little hands around her back, she tried helping but her mother is too heavy to

led at her which freed all the locke


back to you

u okay

to get a better hold of the table. Susana knew her

stood to grab the telephone.


refuse help. She'd tell Susana that n

momma? You

t. Pl

hreatening to drop and de

lp. But ca

your room

ten about him. He bent and forcefully pulled her from mother and like a pu

her a

weep. She hated her state, she has become her mother,

she whispered

s. Mother told her never to use them but at the moment

e screamed unto h

er father stared in bewilderment, which reproduced her c

ins widely exposed through her neck. Susana amidst her screams heard her father'

er. He rather walks out at all times than tur

hen he inflicted it on her mother. He may not have hit her, but

ice and quickly reach to support her who

Mother said


usana....here, I wi

wiped some tears. She assisted her mother in doing

ver waste a tear for me or a


were clear and stern, her vo

a is no scarecrow. Ok, don'

she had promised to be the best chapter of Guardian and ensures she never sees

u walk

me water,

but she hopes for redemption and time to make her life better. She took the water her daughter brought

nt downstairs to clean up t


e ri

..said th


be needi

d nothing

the door to tears and the

it you ag


serve b

e is to keep a

struggled to control her shaking hands

up in fiv

taying away

eed. A distance from me

s not

pen for the location. And Anna, we


ake me co

make her daughter some scrambled eggs for breakfast as u

e hell but she has no other way to be there for her daughter if

of her incompetence. She hopes she remains as strong a

d for a short time, she forgot her wrongs


arms and sniffed her hair as she held

e you

d of the broken glasses. She drew a hot bath and buried he

stay in the tub with a bottle of 'Château Corto

ning is her punishment for not refusing drugs. Sanco isn't this way because of

s left with only alcohol. Anna couldn't let go w

t only did he engage Anna in all manner of the dru

from him. He has become an addiction

eard her say those words to him last night, 'I hate you ', she hates her father because of

l loopholes began and where she hopes to patch them a

like a puppy. The house under her name and the sweetness he voiced

eated within her that she is going in there to end whatever it is Derek think


slender pale woman in a blue gown wa

t!"...he co

n front of hi

rek started on the observation of Anna. He reached for

d off th

w? With that look on you, I may skip the vital sub

lf down the whole l


s cup and return it


omeone you should meet ".


d the way,

ck without making a step. She wonders wh

We have kept him

s. Following suit, she walked

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