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Chapter 1 It Started With A HeartBreak

Word Count: 1448    |    Released on: 04/08/2023

e a


is Possession’ {Book 2


named Porishma Das was sitting by he

d all of her expensive stuff and cash in her bag. The th

arrival. He was a married ma

d father of two children was almost suicidal. The heavens opened and

he rain. Her dress was drenched and

She looked at her watch once more and saw the time. It was

r him. He told her that he was forced to marry his wife and that having kids with hi

h her. He told her to come to the railway station in the morning. The

was her first teacher who trained her in everything. Who taug

s a well-reputed person in the city. Her mother was a classical music and dance teach

Sarkar who knew about her obsessio

y made her understand that she would never cross her limit with any

he tried to touch her. She pushed him away. She wasn't tha

losed everything to them about how She was going away from them with the

and broke down in f

mething like that to

ever tried for another child after her birth. Her father always

r and moved aside for her

of her house looking all down at the floor

by her betrayal so they decided to leave the matter because she was innocent and at this

otherwise she would get sick. She did and came back to the hall. H

d not control herself as she fell

of their room and ca

the scene broke her father's heart. He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead

er do something like this again in my life baba. Just Forgive

g in love but it's important to whom we fall in love and wha

alled love. In this cruel world, there is no sign of true love"

d to me. You too child fated to someone who will come into your life like a bang and le

st and I stupidly followed

he opposite gender makes us believe that we are in love but that was not love my child, it was an attraction that faded over time. And that man used this attraction as his weapon to fulfill his evil desires. I don't know who he was but I

never love someone", Porishma said and her parents looked at each other

all the greedy male creatures. That night, her pare

ishma slept on her father's chest. Her f

ore Das and Laxmi Das, promise to myself to never trust, love, or giv

"You're my pain but yo

d, "You're my world.

ison and kissed her daughter's

ed her nickn

y handled the situation and her too. A naive teenage girl who wasn't aw

er family, and

r high school. Her parents were proud o

and she started to hate them to the core of her

kind but yeah numbers of them are very high. Ve

, she started to behave normally around th

imply said no to them. She was beautiful and

sses. Her parents gladly accepted these changes of hers too. She was

r of college entered her life but




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