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His Blind Revenge

Chapter 5 His BLIND BEAUTY

Word Count: 1440    |    Released on: 05/08/2023


cause of all the witty replies I get from her. She isn't


parents. If ever they found out about my smoking then I know Dad would hang me

hers know about my doings and the

hands and took her out of the wedding hall that she was not Lekha But Why the fuck I took her out o

d me that Lekha ran away from her

she told me truthfully that She

ith her. I told her to go back but she started sobbing and accusing m

mply left her there and I sat in the car. Hubir asked me about her. I ignored

ught me about women. I told Hubir to stop the car and I came

f the cold. I carried her in m

re and she also doesn't have an

onfused about her fate. Her parents played with her. They

is all that bitch. That Chitr

d ran away from me. She also framed me.

She got her attack twice and I'm cursing myself for my harshness. But I can't help myself

n my chest. I scooped her in my arms and rubbed her arms just to calm her down. She sobbed loudly and final

AUTY", I said and

Of P

nd he went to meet his whole KASHYAP family and the topic was the same.

orgot to give dinner to Gandha. He went to her room and saw h


d Ariv for his deeds. She came out of her room through the support of the walls. She bumped walls and

I can hear his dirty voices",

ock but another female voice

g that ?", Ariv sai

er I am doing right now?", A soft Female voice

loudly and s

st done", a Female vo

louder this time. Chi

inside the room. Both Ariv and that gi

ises disturbed my sleep and gave me nightmar

l was shocked to see Chi

boyfriend", Chitragandha

quickly from my sister", Chitragandha said moc

That Girl asked Gandha but Chitragandha rolled her ey

bout myself?", That Girl

Gandha amusingly. Seeing his smile, That Girl

away from the room but with hard l

ed in pain

her but That Girl stopped him

uest", Ariv r

That girl asked again

iv murmured as he

erything otherwise I'll tell your parents (Arjun-Pa

a minute", Ariv said to tha

living with you, in your house and she is c

her's bodyguard named RAGHAV- the

arters and grew up with Ariv and

Ariv said and moved towards Chi

wn and check

v's words and the situation. Then s

, Ariv said in a

Cookie said and Ariv glared at he


that I'm brother Honey’s loyal assistant

irty hands'', Gandha scream

nd Ariv glared

t know what

, and let me check it otherwise

ok her head nega

is my elder brother and he was wounded so I stitched his wounds and cuts that was why he was moaning but in pain not in pleasure",

ing for me", Cookie said and messaged Hubir to drop her off at

edroom", Ariv said to Chitragan

masculine scent and felt



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