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His FORBIDDEN Love {Book 2 in 2nd Series}

Chapter 5 PAST And His Tears

Word Count: 1351    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

d him and Shaurya's steps h

alled Aarya and Aarya

nyone to know about his arrival specially your mother right now

Arjun Ordered and Aarya took Shaurya

s and looked at his fa

ere ... ,, Bunny said and Arjun gave a sad smile to him . Arjun knew his son was b

... ,, Arjun said and patted his shoulder . Bunn

ng for his son . Shaurya told his feelings to Ansh and Chase got to knew about his Jiya when they were all studying together . Aarya


d for his Higher studies . He was resting in his bedro

r's daughter who study with J


om here . I want to tell her what I feel about her . But

is only eight . Will she


ractice then I'

of Mirror and

I . I li .

g to eight years old kids who loves to play with he

tleast five to eight years . Hmm

of P

round in the house and

seated and Nivaan was s

ing ? Nivaan ...

ect . They want her but I said then to w

... ,, Arjun spoke and Bunny's ears pe

Marriage in school . He hi

r Marriage they died in an accident . Her in laws came to Claimed her but neighbours of my village i

... ,, Pa

Gauna ceremony for her . It's

d he knew they were talking about jiya but

Pashika asked and Nivaan sho

not get any validation but marriage is something we can't break easily and most importantly it was perfor

iya ? ... ,,

e right time will com

is studying or doing ? ... ,, Pashika asked in a br

ows that he is married to jiya and loves her dearly . He wants to meet her but I

m . He locked himself in the bathroom and cried . Cried hardly until he got satisfied by his cruel fate . It was his first love .


ve is forbid

d dark into his life and jiy

de at the s

ion . Arjun felt bad because he had a strong fee

it was the time to picked

oad . He cried whole journey but didn't Opened his mouth Infront of anyone . He shared his pa


ya didn't wanted to entered into the house be

,, bunny c

... ,, Aar

,, Bunny said and Aarya

ith me ? ... ,, He asked

? ... ,, Bunny said and

,, He aske

K Corporation) ... ,, Bunny


ear not last year ?... ,, Nishma Neil Khanna

aging in anger . Her loud voice were clearly

ture lady .... ,, Shaurya thought a

with Arjun twelve years ago .. he got fascinated by Arjun's Bedroom in the office . Arjun's Office and this bedroom was attached and bu

love Because FORB



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