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On My Way To STEAL Your Heart {Book 3 in 2nd Series}

Chapter 2 ANSH Davis Grey 2

Word Count: 1091    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

! I beli

f of mountains and without my help they are not big enough to make decisions in their life. I have to push them ... Because the second

list is my fi

Arjun Ka


aby Beauty (Arika)... But my brothers are dumb and I always pray to God to please make them fal

ed for our little brothers . Shaurya and I know that we are safe and secu

a Desperate one type to know and do everything at the moment . They didn't wait for anyone and didn't discuss with anyone either . They opened their mouth after creating a bi

olves around my fa

front of people but behi

s called me by differe

rd for my maa .. but one day I got a friend in Shaurya . He was like me ... We shared a strong bond together and unknowingly we became brother for lives ... W

ed me some photos of a beautiful

ecause I remember him . Yes I saw

They gave birth to you ... ,, She s

I don't know how to hand

. I cried to see her crying ... She

his training . How my mother die and how much sacrifices she did for me ... In these all things I only absor

e because I didn't know what to say her I was only five at that time and after that we never talked

nsh part of him (Rudra) an

k matter in my hands and called him to proposed her for marriage because I knew she will never accept him without marriage . She beli

to see the

ss again when Ian and Vin bo

I got hyptonised by her wa

, I said to myself and I am fulfil

when Dad announced me the new CEO of Grey Corporation , I lost it . I declined him . He

er strike and in two days They

... ,, I said only these and all the them stood rooted t

said I'll like to join the company but as a M.

that I got a amazing parents and wonderful siblings ... I always

because Beauty , Angel , Souls , Humans and P

re about t

nnounced and immediately a wi

me .. My heart

His journey



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